JARS v59n1 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
The following rhododendron and azalea names, submitted through the North American registrar, were approved and added to the International Rhododendron Register prior to October 15, 2004 by the Royal Horticultural Society, International Cultivar Registration Authority for the genus Rhododendron . Names conform to the rules and recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants – 7th Edition (2004) .
Color numbers refer to the RHS Colour Chart unless noted otherwise. Accompanying color names are taken from A Contribution toward Standardization of Color Names in Horticulture , R.D. Huse and K.L. Kelly, edited by D.H. Voss (ARS, 1984). The format for reporting parentage conforms with that now used by the ICRA. If the direction of the cross is known, the seed parent is followed by an "(s)". For the plant being described, seed and pollen parents are separated by an upper case "X". If either parent is itself a cross, the individual components within that cross are separated by a lower case "x". Parentheses are used only in describing the more complex crosses.
Abbreviations are used where appropriate: (a) = azalea, (r) = rhododendron, (v) = vireya rhododendron, (z) = azaleodendron; H = hybridized by, G = grown to first flower by, R = raised by, S = selected by, N = named by, I = introduced commercially by, REG = registered by; dates are enclosed in parentheses immediately following the activity. Metric conversions of flower and leaf measurements are reported in 5mm (0.2") increments for dimensions greater than 25mm (1").
(r) 'Ihilani': (pronounced "e-he-LAHnee") Elepidote rhododendron: R. yakushimanum (s) X 'Brandt's Tropicana'. H (1985) and N (2004): Loyd Newcomb, Snohomish, WA; G (1990), Loyd and Edna Newcomb, Snohomish, WA; REG (2004): Edna Newcomb; I (2006): Hammond's Acres of Rhodys, Arlington, WA. Fls 12-19/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; deep pink (50B) in bud, opening inside pale yellow (8D), tinged light yellowish pink (36A) near edge of each lobe, the three dorsal lobes with strong greenish yellow (151A) streaks and speckles extending for 1" (25mm); outside pale yellow (18C) striped deep pink (50B) along center line of lobe, edged pale yellow (8D). Calyx lobes negligible, strong yellow (153D). Truss 5" (125mm) high x 5.5" (140) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 3"-4.8" x 0.8"-1.4" (75-120 x 20-35mm), elliptic, acute apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; dull and moderate olive green (146A) above; light olive (152A) below; hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) high x 5' (1.5m) wide in 19 years, intermediate habit. Plant hardy to at least 5°F (-15°C); buds, 10°F (-12°C). Late April.
(r) 'Black Adder': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Warlock' (s) X 'Warlock'. H (1985): Loyd Newcomb, Snohomish, WA; G (1998), Loyd and Edna Newcomb, Snohomish, WA; N (2004), and REG (2004): Edna Newcomb; I (2005): Hammond's Acres of Rhodys, Arlington, WA. Fls 13-15/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.2" (55mm) long x 3.4 (85mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; dark red (187A) in bud, opening dark red (187A), with mid vein area of each lobe moderate purplish red (186A) and deep purplish red (187D), the throat moderate purplish red (186B); outside dark red (187A) with dark red (187B) at base on either side of lobe mid vein area; dorsal flare, 0.8" (20mm) long x 0.4" (10mm) wide, of deep orange yellow (163A) speckles and flecks. Truss 4.5" (115mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 3.5"-6.5" x 1.2"-2.8' (90-165 x 30-70mm), obovate, acuminate apex, cuneate base, flat margins; shiny and moderate olive green (137A) above; moderate yellow green (146D) below; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 4.7' (1.4m) wide in 19 years, open habit; stems and underside of petiole dark red (187A). Plant hardy to at least 5°F (-15°C); buds, 10°F (-12°C). Late June.
(r) 'Blossom's Blaze': Elepidote rhododendron: Parentage unknown. H (pre-1994): unknown; S (1994), G (1998), N, and REG (2004): Blossom McBrier, Fairview, PA. Fls 12/conical truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2.2" (55mm) long x 3.6"-3.8" (90-95mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; deep rose in bud, opening inside strong purplish red (63A-B) throughout, with a small, solid, dark red (59A) blotch in the throat; calyx lobes 0.25" (6mm) long, green; lightly scented. Truss 5.5"-6" (140-150mm) high x 5"-6" (125-150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 6.5" x 2.5" (165 x 65mm), oblong, broadly acute apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; glossy and dark green (136A) above; hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) high x 5.5' (1.7m) wide in 6 years, intermediate to dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Mid May. (Great Lakes Chapter (2003): Joseph Gable award for second best in show; Holden Arboretum award for best truss of a newly named rhododendron hybrid)
(r) 'Blossom's Bountiful': Elepidote rhododendron: Parentage unknown. H (pre-1994): unknown; S (1994), G (1998), N, and REG (2004): Blossom McBrier, Fairview, PA. Fls 12/conical truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2.4" (60mm) long x 3.6"-3.8" (90-95mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; fls opening inside pinkish white at margins shading to light purplish pink (63D) in center, with sparse, strong purplish red (63A) spotting at base; the outside shades from strong to light purplish pink (63C-D). Calyx lobes 0.25" (6mm) long, green. Truss 5"-5.5" (125-140mm) high x 5"-6" (125-150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 5.5" x 2.2" (140 x 55mm), oblong, broadly acute apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; glossy and dark green (136A) above; hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) high x 5.5' (1.7m) wide in 6 years, intermediate to dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Mid May. (Great Lakes Chapter (2003): Holden Arboretum award for second best truss of a non-commercial rhododendron hybrid)
(r) 'Breezy': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Janet Blair' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H (1989): John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; G (1994), N (2003), and REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK; I (2003): Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 8-12/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2.2" (55mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; dark pink in bud, opening light pink throughout, with a prominent maroon blotch; the blotch is solid at the base of the tube, with solid and spotted extensions of variable length on the lobes. Lvs held 3 years, 5" x 2.2" (125 x 55mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; semi-glossy and medium green above; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 6' (1.8m) wide in 10 years, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early April.
(r) 'Charles Loomis': Elepidote rhododendron: 'English Roseum' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H, G (1974), and N: John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; I: Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK. Fls 10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.8" (45mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with wavy-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening white throughout. Lvs held 3 years, 5" x 2" (125 x 50mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; dark green above; hairless. Shrub 7' (2.1m) high x 8' (2.4m) wide in 15 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -15°F (-26°C). Early April.
(r) 'City Park': Elepidote rhododendron: R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum 'Hank's Find' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H, G (1974), and N (1985): John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; I: Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK. Fls 9/ball truss, funnel-campanulate, c 1.8" (45mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with wavy edged lobes; pink in bud, opening white inside and out, with maroon stippling on dorsal lobe. Lvs held 3 years, 3.8" x 1.2" (95 x 30mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) high x 4' (1.2m) wide in 10 years, dense habit; very heat tolerant. Plant hardy to at least -12°F (-24°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Early April.
(a) 'Clara Haler': Evergreen azalea: 'Glacier' (s) X unknown. G (1980), S (1982), N (1989), and REG (2004): William R. Pinkerton, Crossville, TN; I (2004): Genesis Gardens, Crossville, TN. Fls 3/bud, broadly funnel-shaped, hose-in-hose, 2.2" (55mm) long x 2.7" wide, with (4-)5+(4-)5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (68C) in bud, opening inside white with light purplish pink (68D) margins and discrete, moderate purplish pink (68C) spots on dorsal lobe and edges of adjacent lobes; the base is tinged light green; outside yellowish white with yellowish pink margins; filaments and style white; anthers brown; stigma greenish white; pedicel greenish. No green calyx present. Flower clusters flat, up to 2" (50mm) high x 3.2" (80mm) wide. Lvs 2" x 1.2" (50 x 30mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, up-curved margins; semi-glossy and dark bluish green (133A) above, light green (133D) below; hairs along leaf margins and on midrib below, greenish at first, maturing to greenish white. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 5' (1.5m) wide in 10 years, intermediate habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -12°F (-24°C). Late April-early May.
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'Clara Haler' |
(r) 'Elizabeth Ard': Elepidote rhododendron: 'English Roseum' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H, G (1974), and N (1985): John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; I: Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK. Fls 10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.8" (45mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with wavy-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening white throughout. Lvs held 3 years, 5" x 2" (125 x 50mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; dark green above; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) tall in 10 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -15°F (-26°C). Early April.
(r) 'Fair Isle': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Romany Chai' (s) X 'Disca'. H (pre-1972): Joseph B. Gable, Stewartstown, PA; G (pre-1993), Caroline Gable, Stewartstown, PA; N (2004), and REG (2004): Jane M. Goodrich, Vienna, VA. Fls 8/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 4" (100mm) wide, with 5-6 frilly edged and overlapping lobes; strong purplish pink (55B) in bud, opening inside light purplish pink (55C) with brilliant yellow green (154B) dorsal spots; outside strong to light purplish pink (55B-C); stigma and filaments vivid yellow green (154A). Calyx lobes deep purplish pink (54B). Lvs 4.5" x 2.2" (115 x 55mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, rounded base, flat margins; dull and moderate yellowish green (137D) above; hairless. Shrub 4.8' (1.4m) high x 4.2' (1.3m) wide in 11 years, intermediate habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Mid-late May.
(r) 'Julia Caroline': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Horizon Lakeside' (s) X 'Point Defiance'. H (1990, G (1996), N (2004), and REG (2004): E.C. (Ned) Brockenbrough, Hunts Point, WA; I: Nelson Nursery, Sedro Wooley, WA. Fls 15-17/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 6-7 wavy-edged lobes; lightly scented; strong purplish red (58B) in bud, opening inside white with a deep red (60A) basal blotch and a light yellow dorsal flare; outside pink fading mostly to white; (the pink of the outside shows through to the inside giving it a pinkish appearance). Truss 6" (150mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2-3 years, 6"-7" x 2.5"-3" (150-175 x 65-75mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, rounded base, slightly down-curved margins; semi-glossy and dark yellowish green (139A) above; hairless. Shrub 7' (2.1m) high x 8' (2.4m) wide in 14 years, intermediate habit. Plant and bud estimated to be hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). Midseason (early May).
(r) 'Lendonwood': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Scintillation' (s) X R. hyperythrum 'Doctor John L. Creech'*. H (pre 1992): John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; G (1994), N (2003), and REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK; I: Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 15/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2.2" (55mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; dark pink in bud, opening inside pink with darker pink stippling on dorsal lobe; outside dark pink fading to light pink. Lvs 4.5" x 1.5" (115 x 40mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base; glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 5' (1.5m) in 10 years, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early April.
(r) 'Lisanne Rockefeller': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Catalode' (s) X R. pseudochrysanthum , Ben Nelson form. H, G (1975), and N (pre 2000): John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK; I (pre 2000): Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA. Fls 12/ball truss, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 2.2" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light pink in bud, opening white throughout, with slight maroon stippling on dorsal lobe. Lvs held 3 years, 5" x 2" (125 x 50mm), oblong, broadly acute apex, rounded base, flat margins; glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) high x 5' (1.5m) in 15 years, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -10°F (-23°C). Early April.
(r) 'Lovely Leslie': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Hello Dolly' (s) X [('Inca Gold' x R. yakushimanum, Exbury form) x R. wardii, KW 4170]. H (1971), G (1976), N, and REG (2004): Dennis MacMullan, Hamburg, PA. Fls 7/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.8" (45mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 6 flat-edged lobes; buds deep yellow with pink markings, opening inside apricot/pink fading to light yellow with deeper yellow in throat; outside medium yellow, the lobe tips rose/apricot; after six days corolla fades to light/medium yellow with deeper yellow in throat; unmarked. Truss 5.5" (140mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs 6" x 2.5" (150 x 65mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, flat margins; semi-glossy and light fir green above; hairless. Shrub 4' (1.2m) high x 5' (1.5m) wide in 10 years, dense habit, free-flowering. Plant hardy to at least -10°F (-23°C); buds -5°F (-21°C). Mid-late May.
(r) 'Michelle Smith': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Scintillation' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H, G (1974), and N: John T. Thornton, Franklinton LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK; I: Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA . Fls 12/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening white throughout, thickly dappled with maroon flecks on dorsal lobe. Lvs held 3 years, 4.5" x 2" (115 x 50mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; glossy and dark green above with red petioles; hairless. Shrub 4.5' (1.4m) high x 5' (1.5m) wide in 10 years, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early April.
(a) 'New Look': Evergreen azalea: unknown (s) X 'George Lindley Taber'. H (c 1999), G, N (2004), and REG (2004): Mark Phillips, Cary, NC. Fls up to 12/cluster, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2"-2.5" (50-65mm) long x c 2.5"-3" (65-75mm) wide, with 5+5 wavy and frilly-edged lobes and many petaloid stamens; light pink and white in bud, opening inside white flushed rose-pink in center and along center of lobes; outside rose-pink with some white markings; calyx lobes c 2" (c 50mm) long, colored as corolla. Flower clusters up to 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs 1.8"-2.5" x 1.2"-1.4" (45-65 x 30-35mm), elliptic, acute apex, rounded base, up-curved margins; semi-glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub c 1' (0.3m) high x 2' (0.6m) wide in c5 years, intermediate to dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Early-mid April.
(r) 'Queen-Empress': Elepidote rhododendron: ( R. fortunei x R. decorum ) (s) X R. decorum ssp. diaprepes 'Gargantua'. H (1994): Bill Dale, Sidney, B.C., Canada; G (2001), N (2004), and REG (2004): Harry Wright, Courtenay, B.C., Canada. Fls 6-10/dome truss, funnel-shaped, 1.5" (40mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 7 flat-edged lobes; light pink in bud, opening light yellow inside and creamy white outside; unmarked. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs 4" x 1.5" (100 x 40mm), oblong, obtuse apex, rounded base, flat margins; semi-glossy green above; hairless. Shrub 4' (1.2m) high x 3' (0.9m) wide in 10 years, open habit. Bud and plant hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Early May.
(r) 'Robbie Robinson': Elepidote rhododendron: R. fortunei (s) X 'Sappho'. H (1946), G (c1949), N (2004), and REG (2004): William Robinson, Portland, OR; I: Van Veen Nursery, Portland, OR. Fls 14/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5-6 frilly-edged lobes; moderately scented; pure white in bud, opening pure white (whiter than yellowish white (155D)), with a deep purplish red (61A) blotch, c 0.8" (20mm) long, on dorsal lobe and half of each adjoining lobe. Truss 4" (100mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 4" x 1.5" (100 x 40mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, flat margins; glossy and moderate olive green (147) above; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 5' (1.5m) wide in 50+ years, dense habit, compact, very floriferous, flowering reliably every year. Plant and bud hardy to at least -3°F (-19°C). Mid May.
(r) 'Sheer Enjoyment': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Point Defiance' (s) X 'Trude Webster'. H: Dennis Sanders, Roseburg, OR; G (1991), N (2004), and REG (2004): Merle Sanders Roseburg, OR; I (2000): Sanders Nursery, Roseburg, OR. Fls 12-16/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 4" (100mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid red (57A) in bud, opening inside very pale purple (69B) with a 0.5" (15mm) wide edging of deep purplish pink (67C) and a vivid red (57A) dorsal blotch c 0.8"x0.5" (20x15mm) and (57A) spotting; outside strong purplish pink (68B). Truss 7" (175mm) high x 8" (200mm) wide. Lvs held 3 years, 6.5" x 2.2" (165 x 55mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, rounded base; glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub 8' (2.4m) high x 8' (2.4m) wide in 18 years, open habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C); buds, 5°F (-15°C). Mid May.
(r) 'Smarty Joan's': Elepidote rhododendron: (['Delp's Big Deal' x 'Donna Hardgrove'] x ['Golden Star' x 'Catalgla']) (s) X R. wardii . H (1991): Allan and Shirley Anderson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, (ARS Seed Exchange lot 92-608); G (1999), N (2004), and REG (2004): Howard Roberts, Rosemont, PA. Fls 13/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; inside ivory, tinged pale pink on margins at first and then fading to ivory, with a chartreuse throat; outside ivory shading to pale chartreuse at base of tube; unmarked; filaments ivory. Truss 3.5"-4" (90-100mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, 4" x 2" (100 x 50mm), elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base; semi-glossy and moderate olive green above; hairless. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) high x 3' (0.9m) wide in c 14 years, intermediate habit. Bud and plant hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Early-mid May. (Received ARS Seed Exchange trophy (2004), ARS Annual Convention, King of Prussia, PA.)
(v) 'Sweet Marni': Vireya (lepidote) rhododendron: R. leucogigas 'Hunstein's Secret' (s) X R. konori 'White Giant'. H (early 1990s): John Rouse, Victoria, Australia; N (2004), and REG (2004): R.A. Mitchell, Volcano, HI. Fls broadly funnel-shaped, 8/truss, horizontally disposed, with an elongated tube and 7 wavy-edged, deeply cut lobes; corolla 8.2" (205mm) long x 7.5" (190mm) wide; moderately scented; dark reddish purple in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) inside and out; with two small pink spots at the base of each lobe. Truss 9" (225mm) high x 17"(425mm) wide. Lvs 8.2" x 3.8" (205 x 95mm), elliptic, broadly obtuse apex, rounded base, slightly V-shaped; semi-glossy and moderate olive green (137A) above; no scales visible to naked eye. Shrub 4' (1.2m) high x 3' (0.9m) wide in 9 years, intermediate habit. Mid May. (R. Mitchell reports this to be the largest vireya flower he has ever seen.)
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'Sweet Marni' |
(r) 'White River': Elepidote rhododendron: 'Westbury' (s) X R. hyperythrum . H (1974), G, and N: John T. Thornton, Franklinton, LA; REG (2004): Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK; I (1995): Pushepetappa Gardens, Franklinton, LA. Fls 12/ball truss, funnel-campanulate, 3" (75mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening very light pink throughout. Lvs held 3 years, 6" x 2.2" (150 x 55mm), oblong, broadly acute apex, rounded base, down-curved margins; semi-glossy and dark green above; hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) high x 6' (1.8m) wide in 12 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Mid-late April.
* The following unregistered name appears as a parent in the above
R. hyperythrum
'Doctor John L. Creech':
rhododendron; no description available.