JARS v59n2 - Rhododendron Varieties and Locations in British Columbia

Rhododendron Varieties and Locations in British Columbia
Harry Wright
Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada

Over fifteen years ago I became interested in trying to find out how many different varieties of Rhododendron species, hybrids and known crosses were growing well in British Columbia. I remember suggesting this at a District meeting and the majority informed me that I couldn’t do it and the rest told me that I needed a computer. What’s a computer?

That was just enough to get me going. I put a request in all the District newsletters, and it wasn’t long until garden inventories started arriving. So, like they said, I needed a computer. I have a friend that has forgotten more about computers than I will ever know and he has guided me through the years.

Some of the gardens that reported many years ago have since updated their inventories, as requested. I printed my first listing in September 1995 with a total of 2,511 varieties. I printed my second listing in April 1997 with a total of 3,395 varieties. I printed my third listing in September 2000 with a total of 3,763 varieties.

I have requested updates and new garden lists to be sent to me before the Convention in Victoria as I hope to do another printing at that time. As of October 2005, 118 gardens have reported with a total of 4,075 varieties. I hope to receive more before printing time.