JARS v59n4 - ARS Speakers Bureau

ARS Speakers Bureau
Bill Stipe
Greenbank, WA

The ARS Speakers Bureau was originally started by Herb and Betty Spady in 1989. The purpose of the Speakers Bureau was to provide a list of speakers, both ARS members and non-members, who have volunteered to give presentations at ARS functions. Over the years this list has proved to be a valuable resource to both local ARS chapter program chairmen and ARS convention planners. However, to be effective the list must be updated and made available to potential users on a timely basis.

At the 2005 ARS Board of Directors meeting, I was asked to review the existing Speakers Bureau and take over the management of the information. Because the list has not been updated since 2000, it appears the best solution is to review and verify all existing entries. I will maintain the speakers list in a computer database that will be accessible to all chapters through the ARS Office Web site at www.arsoffice.org. To ensure accessibility only within the ARS, the data is password protected. The passwords are available through ARS chapter presidents or chapter secretaries.

There are currently over 300 entries in the list. A quick review of the speakers indicates some have passed on, some have moved, others are no longer available and many new and potential speakers are not listed. Each listed speaker must be contacted to assure they are still ARS Speakers Bureau available or to add new information. The ones with listed email will be easy to contact (if their email address is correct), but I will need local chapter assistance in contacting others.

I am encouraging all ARS members to review the Speakers Bureau list and contact me with any information you may have on this important information. Also I am soliciting any contacts you may have on improving this valuable resource.