QBARS - v5n1 Minutes of Meeting of American Rhododendron Society, Portland, Oregon, November 16, 1950

Minutes of Meeting of American Rhododendron Society, Portland, Oregon, November 16, 1950
Submitted by Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary

Meeting called to order by Director John Henny in the absence of President C. I. Sersanous. Mr. Henny told the membership of the serious illness of our President and expressed his sincere wish for a speedy recovery.

The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. A new member of the Portland area, Mr. L. H. Kornbrodt, was introduced. Then guests were asked to stand. Mrs. John Bacher introduced Mrs. Endtz of Alaska and Mr. Lancaster introduced several guests from Camas, Wash.

Under new business, Mrs. Robert Bovee, was introduced as Chairman of Advertising. She will officially solicit ads for the Quarterly Bulletins. Mr. Henny then explained that the Secretary had worked out a system of rotation for plant donors to our auctions. This plan if successfully carried out will mean that no one nurseryman will be called upon more than once a year to donate to the plant sales.

Membership dues are now payable.

Mr. Bacher, Chairman of the Test Garden Committee then gave a report on the progress of the Test Garden Island. He first told the membership of the donation of 100 pounds of lead by Mrs. A. C. U. Berry for the making of permanent labels on all the plants. She also donated the machine for printing each name plate.

The first planting was done about three weeks ago by Mr. Esch, Reddaway, Bacher and two transfer men. At that time the two 15 foot 'Cynthias', donated by Mr. Kaiser were moved onto the island. That same day Mr. Geo. Grace brought over thirty or more plants and Mr. Radowich also brought in some. Our President, Mr. Sersanous donated several 10 to 12 foot specimens. Since that first day Mrs. Berry has donated over 100 specimen species from her own garden. These species are of very rare varieties and are found in regular trade channels.

A plant auction followed which brought in $54.25. These rhododendron plants were donated by E. R. Peterson, Joe Klupenger and Jacob Schmidt, Woodlawn Nursery.

A short recess was called after which Mr. George Grace then showed his moving pictures of the Wisley Show which were taken a year ago at the Rhododendron Conference. There were many pictures of English gardens. Then followed some moving pictures of our native R. macrophyllum on Mt. Hood and several views from Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California. Among this series of pictures were some fine shots of magnolias showing their desirable association with rhododendrons.

Mr. Bacher then showed two slides of two of his outstanding species. R. bureavii and R. phaeochrysum both in the Taliense series and both of the Dr. Rock expedition of 1332. Neither has bloomed, but the foliage is of such beauty that if they never bloomed they would be an asset to any garden.

Meeting adjourned.