QBARS - v5n2 The 1951 Rhododendron Show

The 1951 Rhododendron Show
The American Rhododendron Society

May 5th and 6th
Portland Chamber Of Commerce Service Information Center

This is the 7th Annual Show. Cut truss competition is open to the public. We urge every one to enter cut trusses. The A.R.S. is cooperating with Portland Cleveland High School whose school flower is the rhododendron. The school is putting on a Rhododendron Show, Friday, May 4th.

ARS Show Trophies

Dr. Wm. Corbin
Cup II

Dr. Geo.
Goodwin Cup

A.R.S. Junior Cup
Cleveland High
Rhododendron Show

A.R.S. Plaque
for the
Best Commercial Exhibit

The Dr. Wm. Corbin Cup II: To be awarded on points won in cut truss competition. This trophy must be won three times by an exhibitor for permanent possession.

The Dr. George Goodman Cup: Awarded for the best American seedling never before shown at an A.R.S. show. A single win will evidence permanent ownership. This cup will be awarded in class 30.

A. R. S. Plaque: To be awarded for the best exhibit of plants displayed by nurserymen. The award will be made annually.

A. R. S. Junior Award: To be awarded in the Portland High School Rhododendron Show.

A. R. S. Ribbons: Will be given all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.