QBARS - v5n3 Kingdon Ward Field Numbers from the Expedition to Nepal and Assam

The Kingdon Ward Field Numbers From the Expedition to
Assam and Nepal

The members of the Society who contributed to Mr. Ward's expedition to Assam learned in his letter (A.R.S. Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 1, page 33) that a most severe earthquake had almost destroyed plans for the proposed search for new plant material in a region where little plant hunting has been permitted.  Mr. Ward in a letter dated January 11, 1951, hopes to do another expedition in 1952, and at that time hopes to obtain good alpines.  Most of the rhododendron numbers sent by Mr. Ward along with the Gaultheria have sprouted well at this date, the Prunus, Pyrus and the Cornus members have shown nothing at this time.  Mr. Ward is of the opinion that the expedition has found four new species of rhododendrons.

Kingdon Ward Field Numbers from the Expedition to Nepal

K. W. 19207 Prunus A small tree flowering autumn or winter deciduous
K. W. 19242 Gaultheira wardii An under shrub with white flowers and masses of bluish white berries. Pine forests.
K. W. 19279 Elaeagnus A sweet scented shrub flowers April, fruits September
K. W. 19281 Myricaria A handsome shrub 10-15 ft. tall. Grows in gravel by river, often in river bed
K. W. 19300 Cornus (Sulphur) A small deciduous tree with heads of precocious yellow flowers. A magnificent plant
K. W. 19363 Deutzia ? or Philadelphus
K. W. 19385 Euonymus
K. W. 19387 Betula A handsome silver barked tree
K. W. 19444 Pyrus Crab apple with leaves snow white beneath
K. W. 19454 Viburnum wardii
K. W. 19468 Vaccinum glauco-album
K. W. 19670 Deutzia
Shrub with rose flowers
K. W. 19672 Viburnum A shrub deciduous. Fruits brilliant orange and vermillion. In silver fir forest
K. W. 20286 Prunus A small tree of P. reparensis type, but autumn flowering
19244 Rhododendron virgatum Dwarf dark flowered form, 7000 ft.
19259 Rhododendron Sp. nov? ciliicalyx
19405 Rhododendron Sp. nov. sanguineum?
19406 Rhododendron sidereum var?
19431 Rhododendron Tree with cerise bell flowers
19447 Rhododendron (Crinigerum var?)
19449 Rhododendron s inogrande var?
19451 Rhododendron (niphargum var?)
19452 Rhododendron Sp. nov. thomsonii? Tree flowers pink
20260 Rhododendron Sp. nov? Shrub in silver fir forest flowers not seen at 11,000 ft.
20280 Rhododendron ciliicalyx, Epiphyte in rain forest. Not very hardy
20285 Rhododendron (Near R. cerasinum)
20301 Rhododendron inaequale
20302 formosum
20303 elliottii
from Japvo, Naga Hills, 8000 ft
20304 macabeanum from Japvo, Naga Hills
20305 johnstoneanum? from Japvo, Naga Hills
19573 trichocladum