JARS v61n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Bronze Medal: Kay Moats

The Midwest Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is proud to present to Kay Moats its highest honor, the Bronze Medal. Two years after joining the chapter in 1981, Kay stepped up and became the first woman president of the chapter. During Kay's 3-year tenure, she was the main driving force in which the chapter grew in membership and prospered, a tireless worker who provided strength and direction. She also did the little tasks such as during the annual truss and plant sales and the help in providing and contributing during the District 11 meeting which was held in Northbrook, Illinois.

At the time of the Chicagoland flower and garden show, which was held at the Mc Cormick Exposition Center, Kay took it upon herself to gather azaleas and rhododendrons and force them into bloom to bring color and vibrancy to the chapter's information booth at that snowy and dreary February show time. In addition she made sure that there was information literature and a show board with photos of rhododendrons grown in local gardens to draw interested individuals.

Kay also welcomed us into her home garden to share her knowledge and recipe for success in growing rhododendrons and other plants. Kay has always been a true plants person and a consummate gardener.

For such dedication we the Midwest Chapter owe a great deal of gratitude to you, Kay Moats. Thank you so much, this day, May 5th, 2007.


Bronze Medal: Glen Jamieson

Glen has been an active member of MARS since the early 1990s. He served as president of MARS from 1998 to 2001. He stepped in to chair the Garden Tour Committee when desperately needed, giving renewed energy to this worthwhile activity and promoting a public awareness of ARS and the genus Rhododendron .

Glen, who is a long-time research scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and also deeply involved with the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Society, is also a strong motivator and advocate for improving MARS' library resources with informative and educational literature for our members.

He willingly and entertainingly shares his adventures in the Himalayas and other parts of the world where he goes to collect and research the genus Rhododendron ; his fine presentations to MARS and other local garden clubs and ARS conferences are much applauded. Glen is a learned and loving grower of the tropical rhododendron vireya, along with other unusual plants in his large riverside garden, which he and his wife, Dorothy, have shared on many occasions for garden tours and social functions.

In recognition for these achievements, we salute you. We are pleased to present this award, June 16, 2007.


Bronze Medal: Diana Scott

At the annual pot luck dinner in a rhodo garden under a sunny sky Diana Scott was given the highest award, at the chapter level, the Bronze Medal, by the North Island Rhododendron Society. The citation on her certificate reads: "For devotion and dedication shown to the society and at all times displaying your leadership qualities."

Since joining Diana has always been involved with the organizing of the annual plant and truss show and garden tours. The last few years as secretary she has been doing an outstanding job, when any info regarding the past is required, we only have to ask and she will provide it; the executive still has trouble understanding how she manages to have meeting minutes on our computers almost as soon as we arrive home.

It is with great pleasure that this Medal was presented on Jun 16, 2007.


Bronze Medal: Gene Cockeram

The chapter's highest honor has been previously bestowed upon you but this did not stop you from continuing to contribute. You always attend our board meetings and participate with words and action. In fact, "action" is probably your middle name! You cheerfully volunteer for any job and never hesitate to stop in and lend a hand.

The rhododendron world has you to thank for your instrumental role in our "Search for R. macrophyllum " project. You trekked the Oregon Coast to find the best of the species. Your photographs are essential to the heart of this project. You show us how we can have a year-round rhody garden by sharing blooms from your garden at every meeting. You graciously open your garden to all who are interested and generously host cutting parties of your prized hybrids and award winning rhododendrons. You never hesitate to share your hybridizing secrets. You are envied by chapter members when you return from shows throughout the Pacific Northwest with more trophies to add to your collection.

Your participation in our shows is unending. You hang the signs throughout the city...you haul the supplies...you construct the racks...you design and redesign the truss containers and then make them for chapter members and the public...you are the point man who accepts entries and helps accurately complete the hang tags...and after all that you are there from opening to closing to identify trusses and answer questions. When it was suggested the chapter enter a float in the 100th Anniversary Parade it was you who found the trailer, took it home, and spent days helping decorate it, making our float a reality that won a third place trophy!

You organize our monthly work parties and practically single-handedly care for the rhododendrons in Gallagher's Rhododendron Park and it is a prettier park because of you.

Thank you, Gene for contributing so much to our chapter's success. Given this 10th Day of June, 2007.


Bronze Medal: Wayne Hutchins

For his faithful devotion to the chapter for over thirty years, for his generous contributions to the Spring Flower Shows and Annual Plant Auctions, for his services as chapter vice president and board member, for presenting fascinating chapter programs, and for other achievements, which are too numerous to mention.

The Southeastern Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society awards its highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Wayne Hutchins, March 17, 2007.

Bronze Medal: Jim and Tami Wagner

For their endearing attributes, magnificent smiles, quick wit and warm embraces, for culinary offerings presented as visual feasts, for countless contributions to the Spring Banquet, for mountains of toil on The Blue Ridge Review from 2003-2007, and other achievements, which are too numerous to mention.

The Southeastern Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society awards its highest honor, the Bronze Medal, to Jim and Tami Wagner, March 17, 2007.