JARS v62n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Bronze Medal: Don Powell

The Olympia Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is honored to present our chapter's highest award to Don Powell. Don Powell has been a longtime member of the Olympia Chapter, American Rhododendron Society. During this time he has generously contributed his time, talent and knowledge to promote the rhododendron. Don has greatly contributed to the success and support of the Olympia Chapter. He has held several offices in the chapter including president, vice president, and treasurer. Don has shared his time in various ways. He has consistently helped with the May Show that is held at Tumwater Falls Park every year. For several years he stored the racks that are used for the truss display at the May Show. At Thurston County Fairgrounds rhody planting he crafted and installed the sign that is currently there. He also installed the plaque that was made for the Bruce Briggs Memorial planting at Tumwater Falls Park. Don has faithfully participated in the cleanup day at Tumwater Falls Park and with the chapter auction held in March. Don was also treasurer for the ARS convention held in Olympia in 2003. Members of the Olympia Chapter benefit from Don's knowledge and involvement with the chapter. Currently Don has increased his involvement with the Society as he serves as the District 3 Director. It is with honor, pride and appreciation that the Olympia Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society recognizes Don Powell for his diligent and generous dedication to our chapter and the goals of the organization. Presented this 26th day of July, 2008.


Bronze Medal: Peter M. Musumeci

The Bronze medal is awarded to Peter M. Musumeci for abundant generosity of time, talent, knowledge and resources afforded this chapter. As a skilled propagator and grower of azaleas, he has long been a key supplier of diverse, high-quality plants for the chapter's annual sale, contributing significantly to its financial success and reputation. Over the years, he has lent his talents to installation of the chapter's exhibit at the Philadelphia Flower Show and has shared his wisdom of rhododendrons, azaleas and landscaping to innumerable curious visitors to the show. It is with pleasure and grateful appreciation of Pete's friendship and contributions to horticulture and this Society that we bestow on him our highest honor. April 12, 2008.


Bronze Medal: Frances Cook

The Princeton Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society takes pride and pleasure in awarding the Society's Bronze Medal to Frances Cook. For more than two decades, Frances has consistently been a willing, enthusiastic and effective supporter of all our chapter activities. In recognition, Princeton is honored to present to her for her many years of faithful service and active participation its highest award. Over this time, Fran has served as chapter treasurer and corresponding secretary; as a contributing member of the chapter's Board of Directors; as an organizer and arranger of meetings; as a hospitality chairperson; as an active worker at our annual truss shows; as an important participant at chapter auctions and plant sales; and, as co-chair of the most recent Northeast Regional Conference hosted by Princeton Chapter. In addition, Frances graciously opened her home and garden on numerous occasions to Board meetings, mailings, and other District 7 gatherings. For all this and more, Princeton gratefully presents this award, March 9, 2008.

Bronze Medal: Albert Steven Torongo

The Princeton Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is indeed honored to award Albert Steven Torongo its highest award, the Bronze Medal. With energy, enthusiasm, wit, wisdom and good humor, Steve - as he is known to his many friends and associates - serves Princeton Chapter as our membership chairman and as an important member of our Board of Directors. Steve is a man known for his meticulous attention to detail, his accurate record keeping skills, and his conscientious desire to serve the chapter in whatever capacity needed. Steve is also an avid rhododendron collector, a successful grower, and a keen observer of cultivar characteristics. He has contributed in countless valuable ways behind the scenes that includes volunteering and donating time in support of numerous activities and events: from our monthly meetings, to auctions, to plant sales. It is, therefore, with sincere appreciation that we present to him our highest achievement award on March 9, 2008.

Bronze Medal: Lester and Melinda Martin

The Princeton Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is delighted and proud to award Lester and Melinda Martin our highest award: the prestigious Bronze Medal. It is with sincere and genuine appreciation that we acknowledge Lester and Melinda's numerous contributions. They serve our chapter in the capacity of Hospitality Co-Chairs, and as valuable members of our Princeton Board of Directors. Modest and unassuming, this brilliant and talented couple, month after month have generously and unstintingly provided us all with a warm and gracious note of welcoming and inviting friendship. To seasoned members their hospitality is like a comforting smile; to newer members it is a warm “hello.” In addition, their garden has been the beautiful backdrop for our cutting exchange and garden tour. With this award, we gratefully recognize all they have done. With affection and warmest appreciation, Princeton Chapter presents to them the Bronze Award, March 9, 2008.


Bronze Medal: Robert MacIntyre

The May meeting of Southwestern Oregon Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society held a surprise for President Robert MacIntyre. He was presented with the Bronze Medal for his dedication the past four years. Bob originally was a member of several California chapters including De Anza, San Mateo, California and Monterey Bay. On moving to Oregon in 2002 he joined Siuslaw and Southwestern Oregon chapters and is also an associate member of other chapters in Oregon as well as Eureka and Fort Bragg in California. He also participates in district activities involving himself and the chapter. His presidency of Southwestern Oregon for the past four years has been an enthusiastic one. Through his leadership the rhododendron truss show has flourished. He also brought an interest for the Maddenia series persuading a new enthusiasm for the species in the area. The chapter is very pleased to honor him in this way.


Bronze Medal: Dean Goard

The Victoria Rhododendron Society is pleased to bestow its highest award, the Bronze Medal, to Dean Goard in recognition of his many contributions to the VRS. During the last eight years, Dean was first a Board member, and then president. As past president he took on the membership chair and also updated the club's by-laws. For the 2005 ARS convention Dean took on responsibility for organizing the garden tours and their logistics, and undertook many other tasks throughout the event. Multi-talented, for the last two years he even cooked our salmon at the annual club picnic! Dean is an active member of the VRS Propagation Group, a hybridizer and, more recently, a champion for preservation of our native rhododendron R. macrophyllum . He is also part of the group that is planning to test the viability of macrophyllum plants from various clades. That study could identify types that are more vigorous and easier to grow for the home market. In summary it is with great pleasure that we award the ARS Bronze Medal to Dean Goard to recognize his outstanding service to the VRS.

Bronze Medal: Bill McMillan

The Victoria Rhododendron Society is pleased to present to Bill McMillan the Bronze Medal, the chapter's highest honor, for his years of service to the Victoria Rhododendron Society. He has been a very active supporter of the Society since first joining in 1999. Bill has faithfully served on the Board, including two terms as president, fulfilling the demanding task of show chairman for five years and is presently producing the club newsletter together with his wife, Theresa. Bill organized a series of judging workshops in support of our annual shows and was co-chair of the recently completed successful Vancouver Island Species Workshops. Bill is the curator of the rhododendron section of Glendale Garden, a public display garden in Victoria. Whenever Bill is asked for help he is there, whether it be to give a talk to interested groups or to novices in their gardens. His devotion to the genus Rhododendron has led him to join two international expeditions to China. The grounds of his suburban property are rapidly disappearing under a sea of rhodos and he is very knowledgeable about his collection.

Bronze Medal: Ken Webb

The Victoria Rhododendron Society is pleased to present to Ken Webb the Bronze Medal, the chapter's highest honor, for his years of service to the Victoria Rhododendron Society. He is the founding member and continuing leader of the Society's very productive propagation gr oup. Under Ken's leadership a large number of VRS members have learned to grow rhododendrons from seeds and root cuttings and to graft difficult-to-propagate plants, and as the result of shared knowledge, significantly improve their rhododendron gardening skills. The Society has benefited from the efforts of the propagators' group in the form of plants for the monthly raffle and bargain table, and for sales at its annual Show and Sale. The propagators' annual visits to Tofino to view gardens there and take cuttings from Ken Gibson's impressive collection are organized by Ken. He has also led several expeditions to the "difficult to find" collection of wild Rhododendron macrophyllum at Shawnigan Lake. Ken and his wife, Madeline, have in recent years attended many of the American Rhododendron Society fall and spring meetings, ably representing our local Society. Ken's gardening skills are well demonstrated in his splendid garden on Old West Saanich Road, and we have all been able to enjoy this garden at the annual picnics that Ken and Madeline have hosted.


Bronze Medal: Helen Malby

The Willamette Chapter, Salem, Oregon, is pleased to present the Bronze Medal, the chapter's highest honor, to Charter Member Helen Malby. Helen has been a dedicated treasurer for many years, tracking our membership as well as our expenditures and savings and doing the tedious recording of the plant sales, bids and taking money while the auction moves at brisk pace. She has given plants generously for the chapter plant sales. In recognition for her many contributions we present the Bronze Medal to Helen Malby on May 21, 2008.