JARS v63n2 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal: Lynn Melnyk
You have provided outstanding service to our society as president and director for many years. You have participated in numerous activities such as plant sales, exhibitions, creating newsletters, and serving as membership secretary. You have also shown great ability to fill in as speaker when others were unavailable. Your enthusiasm has been an example for all members. We are proud to present you the Bronze Medal.

Bronze Medal: Rai Evans
You have brought an enthusiastic spirit to the society and we have immensely benefited from your helping hands. You have fully participated in all activities, including chapter plant sales and meetings, representation at RSC meetings and sales. Your cheerfulness and sense of humour have been of great assistance on many occasions. In recognition of your contributions, we are proud to present the Bronze Medal.

Bronze Medal: Marion Moore
Your selfless efforts as secretary of the society over many years have been invaluable. You have participated in plant sales, society meetings, always ensuring a welcome and coffee. Your professionalism in horticulture has helped the society to win many awards at Canada Blooms. You have worked tirelessly and with good humour. We have been proud of your involvement and are pleased to recognize your contributions by presenting the Bronze Medal.