QBARS - v6n1 Minutes of Organization Meeting of The Seattle Rhododendron Society
Minutes Of The Organization Meeting Of The
Seattle Rhododendron Society
Donald G. Graham, President, Betsy A. Janzen, Secretary-Treasurer
At the call of Donald G. Graham, thirty-five members of The American Rhododendron Society met at 8:00 P.M., December 13th, 1951, in the Arboretum clubhouse to discuss the formation of a Seattle chapter of The American Rhododendron Society. Mr. Graham was the temporary presiding officer.
Mr. Graham outlined the purposes of the meeting and urged that a Seattle chapter be formed so that frequent meetings of rhododendron enthusiasts could be held by the chapter and the holding of rhododendron shows in Seattle could be facilitated with the support of members organized into their own local organization. A discussion followed, and everyone at the meeting agreed that a local organization would offer attractive advantages to the present members of The American Rhododendron Society living in the Seattle area and would probably attract other members if a local organization is set up.
Mr. Graham then read Article by Article a proposed set of By-Laws. Several amendments were suggested, and after a discussion,, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously:
"RESOLVED: That The Seattle Rhododendron Society, a chapter of The American Rhododendron Society, be organized and that the By-Laws which follow these minutes be and the same are hereby adopted as the By-Laws of The Seattle Rhododendron Society."
The members of The American Rhododendron Society attending the meeting together with others who were not members of The American Rhododendron Society thereupon signed the By-Laws as charter members of The Seattle Rhododendron Society.
Thereupon, an election was had of the Governing Body consisting of three officers-the President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, and five Directors.
Donald G. Graham was nominated for the office of President, and on motion duly made and seconded and unanimously passed, the nominations were closed, and Mr. Graham was elected President.
Mr. B. O. Mulligan was nominated for Vice-President, and upon motion duly made and seconded and unanimously passed, Mr. Mulligan was elected Vice President.
Betsy A. Janzen was nominated for the office of Secretary-Treasurer, and on motion duly made and seconded and unanimously passed, Mrs. Janzen was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
The following were nominated to the office of Director: Dr. Wm. B. Hutchinson, Dr. Carl Stroud, Clarence Prentice, Endre Ostbo, Mrs. T. B. Eylar, Edward Garrett, Otto E. Holmdahl, Lewis Van Winkle.
A written ballot being taken, the following five of the nominations received the highest number of votes and were elected as Directors: Dr. Wm. B. Hutchinson, Dr. Carl Stroud, Otto E. Holmdahl, Edward Garrett, Endre Ostbo. </i>Mr. Graham thereupon assumed as President and presided thereafter as the elected President of The Seattle Rhododendron Society.
Mrs. Janzen acted as the elected Secretary-Treasurer. Payment of dues was requested, and the Secretary-Treasurer collected from many of those present, dues for 1952 in the amount of $5.00 each. A number of the members of The American Rhododendron Society present at the meeting had already paid their 1952 dues to the Treasurer of The American Rhododendron Society and a refund of said dues paid in advance of $1.20 each will be requested from the Treasurer of The American Rhododendron Society in accordance with the provisions of said Society's By-Laws.
Mr. Lester Brandt stated that he, together with Mr. Fred M. Robbins, desired to join the Seattle chapter of The American Rhododendron Society, but that a chapter of The American Rhododendron Society will shortly be formed in Tacoma which they contemplate becoming charter members. In accordance with the By-Laws of this Society their membership was accepted and payment of the $1.50 (or $1.20 in the event of advance payment) as provided in the By-Laws of this Society.
Mr. B. O. Mulligan made payment of $1.50 to the Secretary-Treasurer stating that he was an honorary member of The American Rhododendron Society and would like to become a member of this Society and pay the portion of the dues retainable by this Society were he a dues paying member of The American Rhododendron Society.
A discussion then followed as to holding - a rhododendron show in May or June. Since the plans of the Greater Seattle - Arboretum Foundation show for the coming year have not been announced, the suggestion was made that a meeting of The Seattle Rhododendron Society members be held on January 10th, 1952 at 8:00 P.M., in the Arboretum clubhouse, to discuss the holding of a rhododendron show in light of such decision as may be reached by Greater Seattle and the Arboretum Foundation as to the Spring garden show. This suggestion was adopted, and the Secretary-Treasurer was instructed to send out notices.
Mr. Graham stated that he would be glad to order copies of the 1952 Rhododendron Handbook published by the Royal Horticultural Society in England for such members who desire them. A list of the members requesting that a copy be ordered for them was taken. Several members also indicated they wanted a copy of the new Year Book also issued by the Royal Horticultural Society.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.