QBARS - v6n3 Rhododendrons that Received Awards from the American Rhododendron Society 1952
Rhododendrons That Received Awards From The A.R.S. 1952
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Rhododendron 'Grace'
('Loderi' x 'Borde Hill') P.A. April 17, 1952
Flowers: 13-15 borne on a stout rachis three inches long. Pedicels glandular, stout 2½ inches long. Calyx ⅜" long.
Corolla: Funnel campanulate, 4½ inches wide 1½ inches long. Lobes 5-6. Color Rhodalnine Pink (H.C.C. 527/1).
Petals: 5-6 slightly recurved, ¾ inch long, 1½ inch wide.
Stamens: 12, uneven length, ¾ inch to 1½ inches long, pink changing to white at the base.
Style: floccose glandular, light green to pink, slightly enlarged near the ovary.
Ovary: eglandular.
Leaves: Oblong to oblong elliptic, 5-6½ inches long, apex obtuse. Upper surface dark green. Midrib slightly grooved. Under side paler green.
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
Rhododendron 'Voodoo'
('Britannia' x 'May Day') P. A. April 17, 1952
Flowers: 10-12 borne on a short stout rachis. Pedicels glandular
inch long. Calyx, 4 lobes 1½ inch long, ¼ inch wide, turned back and recurved.
Corolla: Funnel campanulate, 2½ inches wide, 2 inches long. Color Rose Red (H.C.C. 724). Shaded to Cardinal Red (H.C.C. 822) in the throat.
Petals: 5 slightly notched, 1 inch wide.
Stamens: 10, uneven length, dark red 1½ to 1¾
Style: Two inches long, red, covered with wooly hair near the base.
Ovary: Densely covered with wooly hair.
Leaves: Dark green, recurved at the margin 4½ inches long, 1¼-1½ wide. Underside covered with a loose tan
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
Rhododendron 'CIS'
('Loder's White' x 'Fabia') P. A. May 17, 1952
Flowers: 9-11 borne on a rachis two inches long. Pedicels glaborous stout 2¾ inches long. Calyx, petaloid, irregularly lobed 1½ inches long.
Corolla: Funnel shaped 4 inches wide, 2½ inches long. Lobes 5-6. Color Geranium Lake H.C.C. 20/2) shaded to Deep Cream (H.C.C. 503/2) lobes. Color of the flower on the outside Geranium Lake (H.C.C. 20/2).
Petals: 5-6 notched 1¼ inches wide.
Stamens: 10-11 uneven length, red two inches long on the average.
Style: Curved.
Ovary: Covered with glands near the base.
Leaves: Oblong-elliptic to oblong oblanceolate or oblong lanceolate apex obtuse slightly apiculate. Upper surface dull green, under surface a light green at first, clad with a thin flaky meal easily rubbed off.
Grown and exhibited by Rudolph Henny, Brooks, Oregon.
Rhododendron 'Anna'
P. A. June 7, 1952 ('Norman Gill' x 'Jean Marie de Montague')
Raised by Mr. Lem from seeds received from F. J. Rose, England. Upright bush 7-8 feet. Truss of about 12 flowers, open at top. Flowers wide open, rose red at first and flushed same color on back of petals, becoming pink with dark blotch on upper petal, margin frilled.
Grown and exhibited by H. Lem, Seattle, Washington.
Seedling No. 49
P. A. June 7, 1952 ('Mrs. J. H. van Nes' x 'Loderi')
Very large fragrant pale pink flowers, each 4-5 inches wide, in trusses of 8-10. Now almost over, but shown in excellent condition a week previously at Seattle Rhododendron Society's Show.
Grown and exhibited by H. Lem, Seattle, Washington.
Rhododendron 'Lem's Gold'
P. A. June 7, 1952 ('Lady Bessborough' x 'Azor')
Hybrid made by Mr. Lem.
Flowers up to 12 in head, on glandular, 2½ inch pedicels, held well up. Flowers wide open, 4 inches across, creamy yellow, calyx small shoots red.
Grown and exhibited by H. Lem, Seattle, Washington.
Rhododendron Lily No. 1
P. A. June 7, 1952 (['Alice' x
R. auriculatum
] x 'Mrs. D. G. Graham')
Raised by Mr. Ostbo. Flowering in greenhouse border; outdoors at end of June. Flowers 12-14 in truss, on glandular 2 inch pedicels, each 3 inches long, 4 inches wide, 6-7 petalled, tube strongly ribbed, buds flesh pink, open flowers white, fragrant, petals reflexing, stamens none, style short (about as long as tube), bent or distorted. Leaves oblanceolate; 10 inches or more long.
Grown and exhibited by E. Ostbo, Bellevue, Washington.
Seedling Pink No. 5
P.A. (
R. occidentale
x 'Mrs. D. G. Graham')
Dense inflorescence of many fragrant self colored pink flowers on glandular 1½-2 inch pedicels; tube narrow, ribbed, 1¾ inches long, flowers 2½ inches wide. Style very long, curved, exceeding petals in length, stigma prominent, purplish red. Leaves about 4 inches long, lanceolate, evergreen.
Grown and exhibited by E. Ostbo, Bellevue, Washington.