QBARS - v6n3 Minutes of Meeting of American Rhododendron Society , Portland, Oregon, April 17, 1952

Minutes of Meeting of A.R.S., Portland, Oregon, April 17, 1952
Mrs. Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary

The meeting was called to order by President, C. I. Sersanous at 8:00 P.M. in the Auditorium of the Journal Building. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Guests were then introduced and new members of the Portland vicinity identified.

An announcement was also made of the arrival of the R. H. S. Handbook and Yearbook. The new Azalea Handbook will be ready in the near future.

Mr. John G. Bacher reported on the Test Garden which will be open to the public from 11 o'clock to dark every day for the season. Mr. L. H. Lindsay brought in three seedling crosses and Dr. Clarke brought in a small plant of 'Sapphire' to be donated to the Island.

The Show Chairman, Mr. Adolph Meyer talked about the coming Show May 17th and 18th and explained his plans for the Show. An announcement was made of the Tacoma Show Date, May 10th, and the Greater Seattle Show May 2nd.

Maj. Peter N. Barber of Exbury was introduced as the guest speaker for the evening. Maj. Barber gave a very interesting history of the de Rothschild estate, Exbury; how it was started by the late Lionel de Rothschild. The rhododendron plantings, the magnolias and arboretum plantings were all described most entertainingly. Maj. Barber then showed many beautiful slides of the Exbury rhododendrons and azaleas.

At the conclusion of Maj. Barber's talk attention was drawn to the large informal flower show at the side of the auditorium. Everyone was urged to look over these fine trusses.

Meeting adjourned.