QBARS - v7n1 Minutes of Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society, Portland, Oregon, November 20, 1952

Minutes of Meeting of the A.R.S., Portland, Oregon, November 20, 1952
Mrs. Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary-Treasurer

The meeting was called to order by President C. I. Sersanous at 8:00 P.M. in the Auditorium of the Journal Bldg. A.R.S. members coming from the greatest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farwell of Oakland, Calif. New members were then introduced.

The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Sersanous then thanked the membership again for the Gold Medal which had been awarded to him at the October meeting.

Mr. John Bacher spoke about the Rock Garden now under construction at the north end of the Test Garden. He called for more volunteer workers and donations of dwarf rhododendrons. This is a large project and will take hundreds of the rock garden type rhododendrons.

Mr. Ed. Farwell gave a most interesting short talk on the California Chapter, its problems and its aims for the future. Due to the varying climatical conditions within a few miles radius, it makes the problem of growing rhododendrons in the Bay area quite different from the ideal conditions found in the Portland area.

An auction of plants followed which enriched the Chapter by $64.50. These plants were donated by Mr. Henry Swanson, Mr. Ellerbrook, Mr. John Henny and Mrs. A. C. U. Berry through John Bacher. Mr. Bacher brought in two fine plants of the large-leaved varieties, one R. arizelum the other basilicum .

Slides featuring the large-leaved rhododendrons were shown by John Bacher. There were many excellent pictures not only from his own collection but from George Grace, Howard Slonecker, C. T. Hansen and Del James of Eugene, Ore. Among the more outstanding pictures were grande , wightii , macabeanum , arizelum , fictolacteum and many others.

A panel discussion on the large-leaved rhododendrons then took place. Mr. John Henny acted as moderator while George Grace and John Bacher made up the panel.

Q. Mr. Grace: What do you consider the best of the large-leaved species as for foliage and color?
Ans. Mr. Grace: I consider R. calophytum the best. It has fine foliage, a good shape, large blooms of good color and is hardy at 15-18 degrees below zero.
Ans. Mr. Bacher: I agree with Mr. Grace, R. calophytum is the best.

Q. Mr. Grace: What would be second choice?
Ans. Mr. Grace: R. 'Fictolacteum' as it stands the weather well, has good truss and fine foliage. R. falconeri needs more moisture during the summer.
Ans. Mr. Bacher: R. arizelum is the best I have ever seen bloom for the flower changes from a pink to a yellow and lasts a long time. It has good foliage.

Q. Mr. Grace: Where would you place R. sutchuenense ?
Ans. Mr. Grace: So close to calophytum not much difference.
Ans. Mr. Bacher: Foliage not so impressive as calophytum .

Q. Aside from flowers what is the best foliaged plant?
Mr. Bacher: 'Fictolacteum', another is one of the Barto seedling arboreum x calophytum .

Q. Where would you place R. bureavii ?
Ans. Mr. Bacher: It is one of the best. Should be grown above the level of the eye so the beautiful under side of the leaves could be seen. R. phaeochrysum surpasses bureavii in beauty.

Q. How long would it take to bloom calophytum from seed?
Ans. If given good care, plenty of water it should bloom in about 10 to 12 years.

Q. Would plants bloom faster if grown from a graft or cutting?
Ans. Yes, it does save a few years. Sometimes girdling a branch or scoring will hasten the blooming.

Q. Where would you place auriculatum ?
Ans. Mr. Grace: Flowers too late in the season. The flowers dry up though it is a stately bush and very attractive.

With the end of the Panel discussion Dr. Clarke announced the Cruise to the Scottish Gardens scheduled for next May 7th to 14th.
Meeting adjourned.