QBARS - v7n3 The California Chapter American Rhododendron Society Show

The California Chapter American Rhododendron Society Show

The 21st annual California spring garden show was featured as "Southern Azalea Gardens," breath-taking beautiful with huge displays of evergreen and deciduous azaleas and rhododendrons in a rainbow of colors.

The visitors entered the show grounds and immediately in front of the main building was the large exhibit of the California Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. (Fig. 25). The visitors entered the building by a ramp, looking down the forty-five foot length to get a perfect view along the way of the Rhododendron Society garden. From here the crowds passed through a Portico gazing the full length of the exposition building at the many gardens surrounding a central lake. Upon descending the stairs, the visitors made a circular tour of the individual gardens.

In receiving a first class blue ribbon, the California Chapter undertook more than 400 square feet of garden and will realize $220 prize money for the treasury without one cent of expenditure! Chairman of the exhibit, was Jack Osegueda who put in many hours in the evenings and early mornings arranging the planting. Oliver De Silva, Justin F. Greene, Mrs. Laurel M. Hall and Charles Parish helped greatly in assembling the exhibit which consisted of 83 rhododendrons, 65 azaleas plus numerous other shrubs. Thomas Russ, Harry K. Roberts, Edward Fitzsimmons and Everett Farwell helped in transportation of the plants.

Members contributing plants to the exhibit included Howard Kerrigan with many fine rhododendrons and azaleas, Everett Farwell with many rhododendrons, Charles Parish with a truckload of azaleas, Oliver De Silva with a huge 'Dr. Endtz' rhododendron with more than 60 blooms that "stole the show", Barry K. Roberts with many rhododendrons, F. Owen Pearce with azaleas, Maurice Summer, azaleas, Mrs. F. Ashley Giauque, large rhododendron and Jack Osegueda with many rhododendrons, azaleas, conifers.

With the increasing membership and enthusiasm, the California Chapter is looking forward to the 1954 show with a larger, finer exhibit. Unhappiest member of the Chapter is President James Moulton, who was all set to work on the exhibit but was called East to Chicago on important business. With the California Chapter just a year old and with most members "just beginners" with small plants though many varieties, the Rhododendron Society can be counted on to dominate the world famous California show in years to come!

The California Chapter of American Rhododendron, Society was awarded the Blue Ribbon at the Oakland Garden Show April 30th to May 8th.