QBARS - v8n2 The 1954 Rhododendron Shows

The 1954 Rhododendron Shows

PORTLAND CHAPTER, May 8 thru the 16th inclusive. At the American Rhododendron Society Trial Garden

At Crystal Lake Springs Island, S. E. 28th St., Portland, Oregon

Fig. 10.   Map showing the parking are and new route to the
A.R.S. Trial Garden at Crystal Lake Springs Island.

SEATTLE CHAPTER, Seattle, Washington. May 6 thru May 9th. At the South Concourse of University of Washington Stadium

EUGENE CHAPTER, Eugene, Oregon. May 2. At Hendricks Park Rhododendron Garden

TACOMA CHAPTER, Tacoma, Washington. May 15 and 16. In the Lobby of the Bank of California