Journal of Design Communication
Journal of Design Communication
Current Editor: Joan McLain-Kark
Prior to 1998, Journal of Design Communication (JDC) was published as The Journal of Computer-Aided Environmental Design and Education (JCAEDE) . Journal of Design Communication is a scholarly, refereed publication. Objectives of JDC are:
- To promote communication among educators and researchers in the design disciplines who are involved with teaching and research in design communication including sketching, drawing, verbal and written communication, CAD, internet, multimedia, and other design communication tools.
- To publish research in applications of design communication to education and practice in the design disciplines.
JDC solicits original essays and manuscripts from educators, students, and practitioners in the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, graphic design, and other related design disciplines.
Submittal Guidelines
Editorial Board
Copyright (c) 1998 Journal of Design Communication