JITE v36n1 - Bits and Pieces

Volume 36, Number 1
Fall 1998


Information for Authors

The Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (JITE) is issued four times annually by the National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Education. Published manuscripts are high–quality guest articles, refereed articles, " At Issue" essays, "Comments," reviews of books/media and computer hardware and software in an "Under Review" section, and special feature issues that report scholarly inquiry and commentary broadly related to industrial and technical teacher education, military training, and industrial training. A "Journal Feedback" section also reports results of evaluations of the Journal.

Submission Requirements

All manuscripts submitted for publication must be accompanied by a cover letter that specifies the section of the Journal for which the manuscript is intended and an abstract that describes the essence of the manuscript in 150 words or less. Manuscripts must conform to guidelines provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (1994, 4th ed.) except as mentioned here. Figures and line drawings must be submitted in camera–ready form. If possible, place figures, line drawings, and tables where desired in the text instead of using the APA 's “place table here” place holder.

Manuscripts should be submitted on a 3.5" microcomputer diskette and in letter-quality hard copy form. Please be sure to provide seven (7) hard copies for refereed manuscripts and three (3) hard copies for "At Issue" and "Comments" articles. The preferred format is Macintosh using Microsoft Word. If an MSDOS computer is used, again, Microsoft Word is the preferred word processor; although WordPerfect is acceptable. It is also helpful to include a copy saved in "text" format. The name of the word processing program used must be indicated in the cover letter.

Please label the disk with the author names, manuscript title, and date of submission. The files on the disk should be clearly named. Do not submit double density disks formatted as high density disks!

The submission procedures are intended to facilitate editing and producing the Journal. They should not be interpreted as precluding authors without microcomputer capabilities from submitted manuscripts for publication consideration. Authors unable to meet word processing specifications should contact the Editor.


Submit refereed manuscripts (diskette plus seven hard copies) and "At Issue" and "Comments" articles (diskette plus three hard copies) to:

Marie C. Hoepfl
Department of Technology
Scott Hall
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-0001
Phone: (828) 262-3111
Fax: (828) 265-8696

General inquiries about editorial policies of the Journal, proposals for special feature issues, and recommendations for topics and authors for guest articles should be sent to the Editor. Also, evaluative information about JITE, such as comments from readers and authors that can be used to assist the editors in improving the Journal, should be forwarded to the Editor.

Submit book/media reviews and computer hardware and software reviews (diskette plus three hard copies) as well as nominations for potential reviewers to:

Stephen Petrina
Technology Studies Program
University of British Columbia
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6U 1Z25
Phone: (604) 822-4313
Fax: (604) 822-4714
John W. Schell
Occupational Studies
605F Aderhold Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-7162
Phone: (706) 542-4206
Fax: (706) 542-6175

Manuscripts that do not meet submission requirements will be delayed in being reviewed since they will be returned outright to the author. Manuscripts must be the original work of the authors and not have been published, be awaiting publication, or be under publication consideration by another source.


The Journal of Industrial Teacher Education reserves the right to make editorial changes on all manuscripts to improve clarity, conform to style, correct grammar, and fit available space. Detailed information JITE 's editorial policy and guidelines is presented in the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education Author's Guide by Patrick W. Miller and Thomas E. Proctor. Copies can be obtained by contacting:

Gregory C. Petty
Department of Technological & Adult Education
402 Claxton Addition
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-3400
Phone: (423) 974-2574

Change of Address and Undelivered Issues of the Journal

NAITTE members should forward any changes in their mailing address and report undelivered copies of JITE to:

Harold Shoemaker, Membership Secretary
Department of Technology Education
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5036
(601) 266-4446
FAX: (601) 266-5957

NAITTE members should encourage libraries and reading rooms at their institutions to subscribe to JITE so that a permanent file of this publication is maintained. Three–year subscriptions to the Journal are available to institutions. Institutional subscription inquiries, changes of address, or problems with delivery should be directed to:

Cheryl Evanciew
School of Curriculum and Educational Leadership
Occupational Education Studies
207 Willard Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-4042
Office Phone: (405) 744-9191
Fax: (405) 744-6290

Undelivered copies of JITE resulting from unreported changes of address will not be replaced without charge.

NAITTE Publications

The following professional publications are available from NAITTE:


  • Number 1–Research Problems Unique to Industrial
    Education; Richard Swanson, Issue Editor; Jerome T.
    Kapes, Managing Editor
  • Number 2–Improving Industrial and Technical Teacher
    Education; Frederick G. Welch, Issue Editor; Jerome T.
    Kapes, Managing Editor
  • The History of NAITTE by Rupert N. Evans ($6.00–U.S. & Canada; $7.00–Foreign)
  • Journal of Industrial Teacher Education Author's Guide by
    Patrick W. Miller & Thomas E. Proctor ($3.50–U.S. &
    Canada; $5.50–Foreign)
  • Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 25–Year Index by
    Patrick W. Miller ($5.00–U.S. & Canada; $7.00–Foreign)

Order Form

Make check payable to NAITTE. Mail this form & remittance to:

Gregory C. Petty
Department of Technological and Adult Education
402 Claxton Addition
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-3400
Phone: (423) 974-2574

Request for Back Issues of the Journal

Back issues of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education are available on a limited basis. Please specify the year(s), volume(s), and issue(s) of the specific journal(s) when ordering. Also indicate the quantity desired. The cost for a back issue of the Journal is $7.00 (United States and Canada) and $9.50 (Foreign). There is no charge for shipping.

Order Form

Make check payable to NAITTE—in U.S. dollars only. Mail this form and remittance to:

Cheryl Evanciew
School of Curriculum and Educational Leadership
Occupational Education Studies
207 Willard Hall
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-4042
Office Phone: (405) 744-9191
Fax: (405) 744-6290

Membership Rates and Periods

The fee for regular yearly membership in NAITTE is $50 for U.S. and $60 for foreign. Student membership is $15 per year. Student membership applications must contain signatures of department chair from the student's institution. The membership year runs from July 1st through June 30th. To receive services listed for a full membership year, membership applications must be received by September 5th. All membership applications received after January 1st will cause membership services to begin on the following July 1st.

Membership Application and Renewal

Order Form

Membership Application and Renewal

     Position                Classification          Membership Type
__ College Administrator   __ Industrial Arts/          __ U.S. ($50)
__ Teacher Educator           Technology Education      __ Foreign ($60)
__ Sec. or Elem. School    __ Trade and Industrial      __ Student ($15)
   Administrator              Education                 __ Institutional ($150)
__ Researcher              __ Technical Education
__ Federal or State        __ Industrial and Military   __ Status
   Government Employee        Training                  __ New Member
__ Industrial Trainer      __ Other______________       __ Renewal
__ Military Trainer

Name ______________________________________________________________

E-mail ______________________________________________________________

Employer ______________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________

City ____________  State/Province ________  Zip Code ______________

Signature of Department Chair _______________________________________________
(Need for student membership only)

Make check payable to NAITTE. Mail form and remittance to:

Harold Shoemaker, Membership Secretary
Department of Technology Education
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5036
(601) 266-4446
FAX: (601) 266-5957