JITE v40n3 - From the Editor - A Need for Scholarship

Volume 40, Number 3
Spring 2003


A Need for Scholarship

One of the advantages of being the Editor of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education is the opportunity to read the broad range of manuscripts that are submitted. One truly is able to develop an understanding of the breath of industrial teacher education and the variety of research efforts in which faculty are involved. One would think that because of the breath of our field, a plethora of research manuscripts would be arriving at my office. I am sorry to say, that is not the case. For whatever reason, industrial teacher education doe not seem to have the spirit of inquiry that it once expounded.

Previous editors of the Journal ( Hoepfl, 2001 ; Custer, 1997 ) have also devoted space in "From the Editor" noting a need for an increase in both quality and quantity of research efforts in industrial teacher education. Hoepfl went on to say that "compared to our colleagues in mathematics, science, and language arts education, research in the fields of technical and technology education are the least robust" (p. 3). With powerful forces changing work, industry, and education, it is imperative that our profession conduct and disseminate high-quality research. Johnson (1996) noted that without dissemination of robust research, our profession would become stagnant.

In previous "From the Editor" sections, I have conveyed the desire of this Editoral Board to assist would-be authors in preparing their research for publication in the Journal . To date, your Board has been successful with those who have approached us. However, there still is a need to encourage the profession with its research endeavors.

One method on which the National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators (NAITTE) is embarking to encourage research in our profession is the NAITTE Leaders for Tomorrow Scholarship. Through the diligent efforts of the NAITTE Research Committee, this scholarship is being unveiled in fall 2003. All industrial teacher educators should encourage their graduate students to consider this opportunity and thereby also contribute to the research base of the profession.

It is the hope of this Editor that both current and future industrial teacher educators will take it upon themselves to assist our profession with its research agenda. The Journal's Editoral Board is readily available to provide assistance and guidance to any potential Journal author.

In This Issue

This issue of the Journal reflects the breath of the field of industrial teacher education. Janet Z. Burns and Karen Schaefer present the finding of their study of informal learning completed by T&I teachers during a preservice preparation program. Burns and Schaefer reveal three areas of advice for beginning T&I teachers--instrumental, emotional, and political--through a reflective practice approach. The authors note that teacher educators must take into consideration that informal learning does occur in alternative licensure programs.

Next, Richard A. Walter and Jerome T. Kapes provide readers with an overview of how to establish occupational examination cut scores. Walter and Kapes first compare the advantages and disadvantages of currently used methodologies. The authors formed a panel of judges to conduct their analysis of a NOCTI examination used for career and technical educators. Their discussion provides readers with insight into the establishment of occupational cut scores.

International trends are the focus of the article by Robert T.Y. Wu. The author presents a comparison of career and technical education trends from Europe, China, and the United States. Wu notes that the comparisons of the trends in career and technical education among the different countries can serve as examples for the future adaptation, modification, and improvement of career and technical education in developing world-class workers.

One educational trend in the United States has communities developing charter schools. Richard D. Lakes provides readers a synopsis of the development and operation of an employer-linked charter school. Lakes notes that employer-linked charter schools encourage business partners to actively engage in the governance and policymaking functions of the school.

The project method of teaching and its place in technology education is the focus of Robert T. Howell. Howell presents a historical perspective of the project method and questions technology educators as to its place in current curricula. Following the "At Issue" piece is the Journal's "Bits and Pieces" section, which contains information regarding submitting manuscripts to the Journal and how to become a member of the NAITTE.



Custer, R.L. (1997) . Identifying research topics. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education , 34(3), 3-5.

Hoepfl, M. (2001) . Taking mentoring seriously. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education , 38(3), 3-5.

Johnson, S.D. (1996) . Writing for Publication. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education , 33(2), 3-6.