JITE v41n2 - From the Editor - Passing the Torch

Volume 41, Number 2
Summer 2004


Passing the Torch

As the Olympic Games returned to Greece this summer, we observed runners passing the Olympic torch. Preparation for Olympians requires dedication, teamwork, and mentoring of young athletes by those who have been there. The young athletes had admired the dedication of past Olympians; and as the new generation set foot onto the field, the past generation provided a lift and a guiding light via the Olympic torch. We in industrial teacher education must also pass the torch, but first we must mentor our next generation of leaders.

The Journal of Industrial Teacher Education Editorial Board is pleased to provide this special issue of the Journal , comprised totally of work by graduate students in industrial teacher education. These recent graduates and current graduate students provide the future of our profession. As leaders in industrial teacher education, we must assist with the development of future leaders. This aligns with a key mission of NAITTE, providing professional development opportunities for its members.

In This Issue

This special issue of the Journal begins with an analysis of the Slovakian career and technical education system by Bruce Niemi, a graduate student at Oklahoma State University. Niemi provides readers with a background of how social change has affected career and technical education and then describes future educational issues facing this nation. Next is a conceptual piece by Marcia Braundy, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia. Braundy highlights John Dewey's thoughts on education and particularly his views on what is now termed "technology education." She questions the technology education leadership as to the true purpose of technology education in today's schools.

Michael E. Rogers, a recent master's degree graduate from Purdue University, presents the findings of his study comparing the effectiveness of modular instruction versus contemporary instruction on college technology education majors. The next two articles both examine the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. First, JeanAnn Gaona, a graduate student at Oklahoma State University, looks at the Act's effect on special needs learners. Gaona notes that educators must take the lead on policy development and not just follow enacted legislation. Nancy Kymes, also from Oklahoma State University, expresses her thoughts on the provisions, philosophies, and compromises dictated by the No Child Left Behind Act. She notes that it is difficult to find any consensus among educators on how the Act will affect career and technical education students.

John E. Bennett, an Oklahoma State University graduate student, provides the "At Issue" piece for this issue of the Journal . Bennett discusses the mandate for highly-qualified teachers and whether this mandate will have the desired effect on educational reform. A book review of Manufacturing Facilities Design and Materials Handling (Meyers & Stephens, 2005) is provided by Steven E. Rogers, a recent master of secondary education graduate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Rogers assesses this work as a possible text for an industrial teacher education laboratory planning course.

The Journal's "Bits and Pieces" section follows; it contains information regarding submitting manuscripts to the Journal and how to become a member of NAITTE.

The Journal Editorial Board would like to recognize the advisors of the graduate students whose work is published in this special issue. These faculty members include Stephen Petrina, University of British Columbia; Don Buskirk, Purdue University; and especially Mary Jo Self, Oklahoma State University. Without the mentoring of these faculty members, this special issue of the Journal would not have been possible. The Editorial Board would encourage these new authors to use the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education , Volume 41, Number 2, as a beginning for their contributions to leadership in the industrial teacher education profession and NAITTE, thus grasping the torch and advancing the cause.