JITE v44n2 - From the Editor - JITE v44n2
Welcome, Readers, to Volume 44 Number 2 of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (JITE). As I did in the last issue, I begin this editorial message with a word from our sponsor, the National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators (NAITTE). A recent change in the annual membership year has been enacted as follows:
Previous Membership Year: July 1 through June 30
New Membership Year: January 1 through December 31The membership form displayed on page 103 of this issue reflects this change in the NAITTE membership year.
In This Issue
The first article in this issue, Maslow—Move Aside! is from Michael Kroth who challenges us to reconsider our understanding of the theories of human motivation. More specifically, he presents a heuristical workplace model for CTE leaders consisting of seven steps:
(1) view organizations as ecosystems which they affect, but cannot control; (2) understand those who follow them, searching for their desires, personal and professional goals, and individual situation; (3) care, becoming skilled in behaviors that demonstrate genuine interest in followers’ successes; (4) design intrinsically and extrinsically motivating work; (5) set motivating goals, (6) provide support for goal pursuit; and (7) manage follower expectancies through the process. (p 5)
Next up, Holly Baltzer, Edward Lazaros, and Jim Flowers provide us with the results of interviews conducted with representatives of 19 Career and Technical Education doctoral programs in North America, “…to inform those undertaking doctoral program design or revision of the variety of approaches to doctoral education” (p 37).
C. J. Shields and Kara Harris focus specifically upon Technology Education (TE) and open their article with a description of a CBS Evening News story entitled Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car . Although primarily a positive public relations event, the authors point to omissions in the story that clearly demonstrate the general public’s misunderstanding of the field and discuss three probable causes: “…TE lacks a unified name with a comprehensive curriculum, fails to recruit significant numbers of female and minority undergraduate students, and fails to educate non-TE teachers about the scope of TE” (p 60).
Similarly, Nida Kazim, Klaus Schmidt, and Dan Brown cite the scarcity of women in computer-related technology areas and sought answers to why a woman would choose to purse a teaching career in a male dominated specialty. As the authors explain: “The purpose of this study was to identify reasons why Pakistani women chose to teach in computer-related technology areas and how they thought they were being perceived by university administration, male faculty and their students” (p 73).
Finally, Dawn Holley Dennis and Clemente Charles Hudson have provided an At Issue piece in which they discuss the viewpoints of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois on the common goal of the advancement of African Americans in a contemporary context. According to the authors, both leaders were correct since both career and technical education and higher education are required for success. “African American youth who do not graduate from high school and gain a college education or study a skill or trade, are unprepared for today’s highly-skilled workplace, and the consequences are, and will continue to be, dire for the African-American community” (p 89).
Richard Walter