JJSTE v40n1 - Self-consciousness Related to Manual Dexterity or Clumsiness among Primary and Secondary School Students

Number 1
Volume 40


Self-consciousness Related to Manual Dexterity or Clumsiness among Primary and Secondary School Students
Kosaku DOI

The study was aimed at developing a method to assist 5th and 6th grade students as well as secondary students in decreasing self-consciousness related to manual clumsiness. The results obtained from this investigation are summarized below: 1) 84% of the primary school students who were surveyed said that they "like making things". However, as the grade level increased from primary school to secondary school, that percentage declined. 2) 57% of the students surveyed were self-consciousness about their manual clumsiness. The greatest degree of this found among first year and second year students in the middle schools. 3) Such consciousness of one's own manual clumsiness has been presumed to be a form self-consciousness that has been aroused by one's self- evaluation of difficulties experienced in performing voluntary movements and in performing an efficient job. Consequently, the author suggests that in such cases the teacher should guide the students to concentrate on performing their job at a proper speed, with precision, and with creativity. Furthermore, in order to provide guidance to students who feel manually clumsy, we suggest that mapping out the steps during in the preparation stage is effective.

Key words : Creation and production of things, 5th and 6th grade students, middle school students, manual dexterity, clumsiness, voluntary movement.