JJSTE v40n3 - An Evaluation of Gentarou Tanahashi and Craft Education: Participation in Writing `Shukou Ka Kyouju Sho` Related to the History of Craft Education

Number 3
Volume 40


An Evaluation of Gentarou Tanahashi and Craft Education: Participation in Writing `Shukou Ka Kyouju Sho` Related to the History of Craft Education
Fumihiko ISHIDA, Yoshihiko KOIDE

The authors revealed that, in co-authored `Shukou ka kyouju sho` which is acclaimed with respect to the history of craft education, the part dealing with teaching theories, chapters 1 to 7, was written by Gentarou Tanahashi and the other part dealing with teaching materials, chapters 8 to 13, was written by Hidekichi Okayama.

The evaluation of the book was analyzed by reviewing ` Nihon shukou—Genron` written by Kiyokata Ichito, ` Shukou kyouiku gaku genron` written by Teiji Suzuki, ` Nihon no geijutu kyouiku ron` compiled by Keiichi Tachihara, and `Gentarou Tanahashi no shukou kyouiku riron` written by Masao Uesato.

Ichito criticized that the part on teaching materials in the book which lightly dealt with the children's technical progress as a basic training for industry. Suzuki highly evaluated the part of teaching theories, but he criticized that the contents of the part of teaching materials might be &emdash misunderstood as vocational education. Tachihara was very positive about the fact that the craft course was positioned in the book as one of the curricula in general education. However, he criticized that too much importance was given to science and technology, and too little significance was given to artistic education. Uesato noted that it was the first systematic book concerning the theories of craft education in Japan and it introduced natural science into craft education. On the other hand, he pointed out that the concrete relationship with natural science was not indicated and the book was limited in that too much importance was placed on skills in craft.

Key words : Hidekichi Okayama, Kiyokata Ichito, Teiji Suzuki, Keiichi Tachihara, Masao Uesato