JOTS v32n2 - Table of Contents
Volume XXXII, Number 2, Spring 2006
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Volume XXXII, Issue No. 2, Spring 2006 [PDF 516K]
Editorial Board [PDF 45K]
Table of Contents [PDF 65.4K]
Cover [PDF 86.9K]
The Pedagogy of Technology Integration [PDF 135K]
Mabel CPO Okojie, Anthony A. Olinzock, and Tinukwa C. Okojie-BoulderTechnological Systems and Momentum Change: American Electric Utilities, Restructuring, and Distributed Generation Technologies [PDF 763K]
Richard F. Hirsh and Benjamin K. SovacoolOne Man One Vote: Trust between the Electorate, the Establishment, and Voting Technology [PDF 444K]
Laurie RobertsonThe Epistemic Value of Cautionary Tales [PDF 124K]
William M. ShieldsThe High-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Dilemma: Prospects for a Realistic Management Policy [PDF 139K]
Constantine HadjilambrinosThe Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology: A Christian Response [PDF 66.2K]
Franz A. Foltz and Frederick A. FoltzBooks Briefly Noted [PDF 62.4K]