JPSE v8 - .

Volume 8


Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 2006, Volume 8, Pages 10-16.

Educational Needs Assessment for IPM in Multi-Family and Community Dwellings.

Carol A. Ramsay , Pesticide Education Specialist, WSU Extension, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, .
Rebecca L. Hines , Pesticide Education Associate, WSU Extension, Washington State University, Puyallup, Washington, .
Daniel A. Suomi , Urban IPM Specialist, Washington State Dept. of Agriculture, Olympia, Washington, .
Sandra K. McDonald , Pesticide Education Specialist, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, .

A western region workgroup was formed to conduct a needs assessment for IPM and pesticide safety education in Multi-Family/Community Dwellings; the focus was on nuisance, health and structural pests. Representatives from university extension and research programs, state regulatory agencies, pest management professionals, and owners/managers of Multi-Family/Community Dwellings participated. Three target audiences were identified for educational programming in IPM and pesticide safety: landlord/property managers, residents/tenants, and pest management professionals. To support future efforts in this segment of urban IPM, specific educational needs were identified, a listing of reasonable education opportunities was compiled for each audience and several funding sources were identified.

Keywords: urban, IPM, assessment, pesticide, safety, educational, needs, family, community, dwellings