JTE v13n1 - Miscellany

Volume 13, Number 1
Fall 2001


Scope of the JTE

The Journal of Technology Education provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education. Manuscripts should focus on technology education research, philosophy, and theory. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles.

Editorial/Review Process

Manuscripts that appear in the Articles section have been subjected to a blind review by three or more members of the Editorial Board. This process generally takes from six to eight weeks, at which time authors are promptly notified of the status of their manuscript. Book reviews, editorials, and reactions are reviewed by the Editor and Associate Editor, which generally takes about two weeks.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

  1. Three paper copies of each manuscript and an electronic version in Microsoft Word format on diskette should be submitted to: James E. LaPorte, JTE Editor, 144 Smyth Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0432, (540) 231-8169. Overseas submissions in Microsoft Word format may be sent electronically via the Internet (to laporte@vt.edu) to expedite the review process. However, a printed copy must also be sent via conventional mail.
  2. All manuscripts must be double-spaced and must adhere to the guidelines published in Publication Guidelines of the American Psychological Association (5th Edition). Tables and figures, however, should be imbedded within the text itself rather than at the end of the document.
  3. All figures and artwork must be scaled to fit within the JTE page size (4.5" column width) and included electronically within the document.
  4. Manuscripts for articles should generally be 15-20 pages (22,000-36,000 characters in length, with 36,000 characters an absolute maximum). Book reviews, editorials, and reactions should be approximately four to eight manuscript pages (approx. 6,000-12,000 characters).

Subscription Information

The Journal of Technology Education is published twice annually (Fall and Spring issues). New and renewing subscribers should copy and mail the form below:

Make checks payable to: Journal of Technology Education . All checks must list a US bank on the check.

Regular (USA): $12
Regular (Canada/Overseas): $16
Library (USA): $20
Library (Canada/Overseas): $25
Individual Back Issues (USA): $7 each
Individual Back Issues (Canada/Overseas): $9 each

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Return check and this form to:
James E. LaPorte, JTE Editor
144 Smyth Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0432

JTE Co-Sponsors & Membership Information

The International Technology Education Association (ITEA) is a non-profit educational association concerned with advancing technological literacy. The Association functions at many levels-from international to local-in responding to member concerns. The Council on Technology Teacher Education (CTTE), affiliated with the ITEA, is concerned primarily with technology teacher education issues and activities. For membership information, contact: ITEA, 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 2091 (703) 860-2100.

Electronic Access to the JTE

All issues of the Journal of Technology Education may be accessed on the World Wide Web at: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/ (Note: this URL is case sensitive).