JTE - From The Editor

From The Editor

Welcome to the JTE!

Dear JTE Readers,
Welcome, indeed! We hope this inaugural issue of the JTE begins an ongoing discourse on issues and concerns of importance in the field of technology education. The JTE goes out to all of you who believe that technology education should be a part of every young person’s schooling experience. It’s a chance for us all to explore and document ideas that will move us forward as a profession.

In this and subsequent issues of the JTE, you will find articles, guest articles, book reviews, editorials, and reactions to previously published manuscripts. We hope the variety of sections will encourage a wide range of contributions.

The Articles section focuses on technology education research, philosophy, theory, and practice. All manuscripts appearing in this section undergo a rigorous review by the editorial board. In this issue, Clark writes about the emergence of the new technology education paradigm, de Klerk Wolters describes research on student attitudes toward technology in the Netherlands, and Zuga addresses curriculum issues.

The Editorials section, on the other hand, is a place where you can tell it as you see it. We will consider any professionally written piece that relates to our field for this section. However, it need not be documented or tediously researched (as do those intended for the Articles section). Moreover, editorials should be short - perhaps three to five pages long. Here, you'll find Smalley lamenting our troubled schools, and Zuga and Bjorkquist examining the pursuit of excellence.

Book Reviews focuses on recently published books that relate to the field, but probably cannot be found on the ITEA convention floor. Limited space simply does not allow us to publish reviews of the many textbooks in our field. In this issue, Markert and de Vries put us in touch with two worthwhile selections.

In addition to those sections noted above, you may also look for Guest Articles and Reactions . Guest articles will be solicited from time to time from prominent individuals. In our next issue, for example, Dr. Rustom Roy, a noted leader in the STS movement, will discuss the relationship of science to technology education in a Guest Article . The Reactions section is intended to encourage you to provide written responses to ideas published in the JTE.

It's a cliche to suggest that the JTE relies upon your written contributions. But, it's true nonetheless. If you've got an Editorial in you, send it in. If you have a bone to pick with one of this issue's authors, put your Reaction in writing and fire it our way. If you are engrossed in a research effort that's of interest to our field, this is the place to report your findings.

A final note.... I've used the collective "we" throughout this greeting to represent all of those who have worked so hard to make this journal happen. The ITEA and CTTE Boards have been there with their support from the beginning. Associate Editor Jim LaPorte, whose office is 15 feet from mine, has been a constant help with the tough decisions, as well as the nitty gritty of getting this issue to press. Brenda French has worked diligently with me in getting the manuscript into camera-ready format, and on a myriad of other tasks associated with the Journal . The editorial board members have given generously of their time in reviewing manuscripts, a thankless task for which I'd like to thank them. And, of course, my sincere thanks go out to professionals like yourself who care enough about your work to read and (I hope) contribute to your new Journal .

Mark Sanders, Editor

The Board of Directors and members of the International Technology Education Association (ITEA) welcome you to this, the first issue of the Journal of Technology Education (JTE). We hope that the JTE will join The Technology Teacher in providing additional thought and perspectives for those involved in the study of technology and technology education. The JTE shall serve professionals in higher education and scholars working to advance theory and practice in philosophical thought, teaching methodologies, learning styles, and exemplary practices in technology education.

We initiate this publication at a time when the state of teacher preparation institutions in the field is at one of its weakest points in history. The need for additional thought-provoking articles and issues could not be greater. Also, the expansion of one's thoughts beyond current boundaries into the sciences, engineering, liberal arts, and more are needed to communicate and promote the study of technology far beyond the narrow perspective envisioned by educators and the general public. The need for the JTE becomes more pronounced when one realizes that, in our societal institutions today, there is no organization other than our own with the sole purpose of developing, advancing, and promoting the importance of understanding our technological society. In an increasingly more sophisticated technological society, the need for advocates of education about technology becomes more imperative.

The study of technology and technological literacy needs to be addressed as the continual change and advancement in our society requires that we further our work. A technologically literate person is one who has at least an elementary understanding of scientific concepts, knows the needs of society and moral constructs, is cognizant of applications through problem solving and has the ability to use tools, materials, and systems. Issues such as these will be further identified and expanded through this publication. The need for research on these issues will not go away, just as technology will never disappear. As technology continues to make remarkable strides, ITEA must keep pace through its publications and work.

Technology education is in its infancy as a discipline within the field of education. Much work lies ahead to further the history of the discipline, to enhance and expand upon its body of knowledge, and to continue to derive intellectual processes and procedures. This knowledge and understanding are essential elements in the preparation of liberally educated citizens for a democratic society. The JTE will help to support this discipline by providing for the expression of new thoughts and ideas.

Finally, we hope that this publication will be a vehicle for promoting individuals, through their work, to advance the study of technology. One of the main objectives of a strong association is the promotion of its members. This personal promotion will occur with each issue as new ideas are shared with the reader. We recognize that the individual is the chief focus of all of the activities of ITEA and the ultimate strength of the entire association. These individual efforts improve technology education and education in general. And through individual efforts, the Journal of Technology Education will become a strong contributor to the education process. We invite anyone interested in technology and technology education to contribute to this important publication.

ITEA Board of Directors

The Council on Technology Teacher Education is proud to join the International Technology Education Association in sponsoring a new journal for technology education. The Journal of Technology Education (JTE) promises to fill a distinct void in our literature.

Every educational field grows in a number of ways. However, rational growth comes from developing strong philosophical bases and research supported practices. Technology education lacks a publication that focuses on these two issues. We have The Technology Teacher which provides association news and features and presents a wide variety of articles for technology educators from the elementary school through university levels. The TIES (Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Students) magazine presents information and problem solving activities for teaching about various technologies.

Neither of these publications provide an avenue for exchanging philosophical views or results from research projects. The JTE should not be seen as an "ivory tower" publication, but rather as a primary source of stimulating, thought provoking articles that will help each professional plot a course for program improvement. And this should be the goal of each of us. No program is beyond improvement and many are facing unique challenges as they make the transition from industrial arts to technology education.

Public school technology education programs must come to grips with their general education role at a time when other programs, such as math and science, seek to embrace technology content for their courses. Teacher education programs must make significant curriculum changes during a period when enrollments are generally declining and their sister engineering technology programs are becoming more narrowly focused. The challenges are upon us and the ways we address or fail to address them will determine the future of the field.

The readers of the Journal of Technology Education can make a difference. They can contribute to the publication and apply the information contained in each issue to better meet the educational needs of their students.

Thomas Wright, President
Council on Technology Teacher Education

Copyright 1989, Journal of Technology Education ISSN 1045-1064.
Permission is given to copy any article or graphic provided credit is given and the copies are not intended for sale.

Journal of Technology Education Volume 1, Number 1 Fall 1989

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