JTE v1n2 - Personal and Professional Needs of Technology Teachers
Volume 1, Number 2
Spring 1990
Personal and Professional Needs of Technology Teachers Jule Dee Scarborough(1) INTRODUCTION In 1987, the Research Committee of the International Technology Education Associ- ation (ITEA) initiated a study of the per- sonal and professional needs of technology teachers. The Committee felt that the plan- ning of educational programs for preservice and inservice technology teachers should be based on their needs, both personal and pro- fessional. Their rationale was that if teachers' needs were not met, teacher per- formance and educational effectiveness would suffer. Some needs can be addressed with ed- ucational solutions, others with changes in management, and still others by looking at factors of the teachers' lives that lie out- side the professional arena. This needs as- sessment was organized on the basis of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the workplace of the technology teacher. After reviewing the survey responses from the technology teachers, the Committee decided to sample secondary school English, mathematics, and science teachers as well and compare the responses across fields. The Committee hypothesized that the needs of tra- ditional academic teachers, technology teach- ers, and laboratory and nonlaboratory-setting teachers might differ. Unfortunately, the response to this second survey was insuffi- cient to warrant such comparisons. BACKGROUND Existing literature identifies several major reasons for professional dissatisfac- tion on the part of educators. Liebes (1983) and Kreis and Milstein (1985) mention low en- rollments, economic difficulties in educa- tion, and lack of sufficient professional opportunities for teachers as reasons for teachers' dissatisfaction in the profession and as affecting factors regarding ways in which their needs are not being met. In dis- cussing the teachers' needs, these authors relate self-perception to needs fulfillment through work. The Kreis and Milstein (1985) study fo- cused on teacher job satisfaction using Maslow's hierarchical concepts. Their re- sults indicated that teachers' needs fulfill- ment is not totally consistent with the hierarchical arrangement described by re- searchers such as: Maslow (1954); Porter (1963); Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman (1966, 1967); Argyris (1971); Hinrichs (1974); and Sergiovanni and Carver (1975). The Kreis and Milstein study results indi- cated there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and needs fulfill- ment. However, the conclusion that job sat- isfaction is related to a hierarchical arrangement of needs was not supported. Their results suggested teachers seek to sat- isfy some of their needs outside of the school setting, and that job satisfaction oc- curs when teachers perceive that what they are getting from the job matches what they perceive as being needed from the job. Kreis and Milstein also discussed major changes in society and teaching as reasons why the study outcomes differed from the findings of earlier research. They identify teacher activities such as disciplinary tasks, nonparticipative bureaucratic struc- tures, changes in working conditions, differ- ences in the personal characteristics of teachers, older work force, and little in- fusion of younger teachers as possible rea- sons for the perceived needs of teachers not being met in their professional lives. Teachers spend a great deal of their time on nonteaching- related activities. Kreis and Milstein suggested that if the per- formance of schools is to improve, the needs of teachers must be addressed and satisfied within the professional arena of their lives. They concluded there should be diagnostic ef- forts to establish the needs of teachers as individuals followed by programs that address those needs. Liebes' (1983) study suggested that teachers with experience undergo mid-life crises. She believes that the determining factor is the number of years of teaching ex- perience rather than the age of the teacher. She also believes that if schools want to maintain quality educational programs, they must respond to these predictable crises by instituting active programs designed to ad- dress (on individual bases) stress and other career-related crises on the job. She sug- gested short-term career counseling and an ongoing participative staff development model. This model prescribes individual con- ferences with administrators and teachers, a job-environment match analysis, and a school- based staff development model in which team building, faculty needs assessments, participative design of staff development by teachers, and program evaluation are ad- dressed. She believes that this kind of total program will provide strategies that will address large numbers of experienced teachers who are dissatisfied. In yet another school of thought, Cardinelli (1980) indicated that teacher dis- satisfaction is no different from any other professional dissatisfaction. The mid-life crisis syndrome is a normal, developmental, and generally predictable stage in adult life that occurs between roughly 30 and 50 years of age. He maintains that "burn-out" is not abnormal, and that the best way to combat it is to recognize it, plan for it, and imple- ment strategies to help deal with it. Miller, Taylor, and Walker (1982) support this notion with their in-depth study of the aging teaching force. PROCEDURES A random sample of 1,000 secondary-level technology teachers was selected from the ITEA membership list. A questionnaire was designed, approved by the ITEA Board of Di- rectors, and mailed to the teachers identi- fied. A single follow-up questionnaire was sent to nonrespondents. Due to lack of fund- ing, additional follow-up procedures were not possible. RESULTS OF THE STUDY The two mailings to the technology teachers resulted in the return of 357 usable questionnaires (36%). The number of usable responses to each question, however, varied. The findings are detailed in Tables 1 and 2 and are described below. DEMOGRAPHICS The largest category of respondents (32.2%) were senior high school teachers. About one-fifth (22.4%) indicated that they were junior high teachers. Another fifth (18.8%) indicated that they had a dual as- signment at both junior and senior high school level. See Table 1. The respondents were asked to specify their primary areas of teaching. The major- ity of respondents taught two or more of the areas listed -- communications, energy, pro- duction, transportation. Seventeen percent indicated "other" and wrote in specific areas. The areas most often mentioned in the category were professional (university), drafting, electronics, manufacturing, com- puter, and construction. Nearly three-fourths (72.6%) of the re- spondents were from urban/suburban areas. Nearly sixty-three percent call their program "industrial arts," and 29.2% call their pro- grams "technology education." A majority of the respondents (64.4%) indicated that they teach in unit shops; the most frequently named were woods, drafting, metals, and graphic arts. The remaining respondents teach in general shops or clusters. TABLE 1 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Category n % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teaching Level (n=357) Senior High 115 32.2 Junior High 80 22.4 Junior/Senior High 67 18.8 Post-Secondary 4 1.1 Teacher Education (University) 54 15.1 Industrial technology (University) 12 3.4 Other (e.g., administrators, etc.) 25 7.0 Areas of Teaching (n=376) Communications 74 19.7 Energy 18 4.8 Production 66 17.6 Transportation 16 4.3 Several of the above 137 36.4 Other (e.g., drafting, mechanical drawing, 65 17.3 administration, construction, hot metal, computer, power tech., photography, cabinet making) School Location (n=354) Urban/Metropolitan 118 33.3 Suburban 139 39.3 Rural 97 27.4 Program Type (n=353) Industrial Arts 221 62.6 Vocational 29 8.2 Technology Education 103 29.2 Program Classroom Type (n=345) Unit Shop 222 64.4 General Shop 75 21.7 Cluster 48 13.9 Age (n=356) 35 or under 87 24.5 36 - 45 125 35.1 46 - 55 107 30.1 56 to over 65 37 10.3 Sex (n=356) Female 13 3.7 Male 343 96.4 Number of Years Teaching (n=354) 0 - 10 84 23.7 11 - 23 166 46.9 14 - 35 99 28.0 Over 35 5 1.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The category of teaching experience indicated by the largest proportion of respondents was "11 - 23 years." Fewer than four percent of the respondents were female. JOB ENVIRONMENT In general, the respondents were posi- tive about their job environments. Two- thirds or more of the respondents indicated that the following job environment factors were "good" or "very good": Safety (80.0%), Job Security (74.1%), Working Hours (72.8%), Vacation/Leisure time (72.0)%, and Job Sta- bility (70.4%). On the other hand, more than one-third of the respondents felt that two items were "poor" or "very poor": Incentives (38.4%) and Promotion (36.1%). See Table 2. PROFESSIONAL IMAGE AND DEVELOPMENT A large majority (85.4%) of the respond- ents rated their professional self-confidence "good" or "very good;" over three-fourths (78.4%) rated their self-esteem in these two categories. Though only 13.4% of the re- spondents indicated that their professional development was "poor" or "very poor," a sub- stantial number felt that the funding for professional creativity (45.4%) and the fund- ing for professional development (46.2%) was "poor" or "very poor." JOB SATISFACTION, PROMOTION, AND SALARY Over two-thirds of the respondents (69.4%) rated their job as "good" or "very good." However, only about a third rated the Industrial Arts/Technology Education profes- sion in these two positive categories. Nearly two-thirds (63.6%) felt that promo- tional opportunities were "poor" or "very poor." Roughly one-third (33.4%) of the re- spondents felt that their salary was "good" or "very good" while another third (34.0%) felt their salary was "poor" or "very poor." Over one-third (37.8%) had taken some action toward finding another job within the past two years. TABLE 2 JOB ENVIRONMENT FACTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Percent by Category ---------------------- Very Very Descriptor Poor Poor Okay Good Good ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of Job Environment Atmosphere (n=349) 1.7 7.4 22.9 39.8 28.1 Working hours (n=349) 1.1 2.3 23.8 44.1 28.7 Personal Safety (n=350) 0.0 4.9 15.1 35.7 44.3 Job security (n=348) 2.3 6.6 17.0 35.3 38.8 Job stability (n=354) 2.3 7.6 19.7 34.5 35.9 Salary (n=355) 3.9 16.1 33.8 33.8 12.4 Promotion (n=343) 13.4 22.7 30.3 22.7 10.8 Incentives (n=344) 12.8 25.6 36.3 18.3 7.0 Benefits (n=350) 2.3 11.1 27.1 45.2 14.3 Vacation/leisure time (n=347) 2.0 4.6 21.3 42.9 29.1 Facilities and equipment (n=354) 2.5 10.7 33.9 37.6 15.3 School-wide discipline (n=341) 2.1 12.6 23.5 43.1 18.7 Students' academic capabilities (n=342) 1.2 9.7 37.4 44.7 7.0 Stress level (n=337) 4.5 15.4 47.8 25.2 7.1 Boredom level (n=318) 6.6 13.2 44.0 26.1 10.1 Co-worker cooperation and support (n=348) 1.4 7.8 25.3 40.2 25.3 Administrative cooperation and support (n=349) 5.7 10.3 27.8 36.7 19.5 Guidance counselor support (n=324) 8.3 20.1 40.7 21.9 9.0 Community/parental support (n=325) 1.8 15.4 40.6 32.0 10.2 State Department of Education support (n=334) 10.5 20.4 29.6 26.6 12.9 Professional Prestige from the profession(n=354) 1.4 11.6 27.1 40.7 19.2 Professional self-esteem (n=351) 0.6 3.4 17.4 48.7 29.9 Professional self-confidence (n=350) 0.0 1.4 13.1 49.4 36.0 Familiarity with new national standards (n=350) 1.7 13.6 29.7 35.7 19.3 Professional Development Professional development support(n=340) 4.8 18.6 34.3 29.4 12.9 Opportunities for professional development (n=344) 2.9 17.4 31.1 32.3 16.3 Funding for professional development (n=344) 16.0 30.2 24.8 14.0 15.1 Opportunities for professional recognition (n=345) 4.0 21.2 40.3 23.8 10.7 Opportunities for professional creativity (n=344) 1.7 11.4 28.5 37.8 20.6 Funding for professional creativity (n=344) 16.2 39.2 26.8 14.5 3.3 Job Satisfaction Factors Tried to find another job in past 2 years (n=349) Yes 37.8 No 62.2 Rating of job at present time (n=346) 1.2 4.3 25.1 46.3 23.1 Rating of the I.A./Tech. Ed. profession (n=344) 0.9 18.6 45.9 31.7 2.9 Promotion and Salary Possibilities for promotion (n=339) 32.7 30.9 18.6 14.2 3.6 Possibilities for salary 11.5 22.5 32.6 24.5 8.9 increases (n=347) Acceptability of Alternatives to Promotion Professional travel (n=324) 31.9 6.2 14.8 37.0 40.1 Summer pay for curriculum development (n=320) 2.8 5.3 11.9 39.3 40.7 Computers in lab (n=307) 3.9 6.2 17.9 28.7 43.3 Leadership opportunities (n=301) 0.3 4.7 23.9 35.2 35.9 Acceptability of Alternatives to Salary Increases Professional travel (n=276) 7.6 10.5 17.8 27.9 36.2 Summer pay for curriculum Development (n=270) 6.3 6.3 17.4 33.3 36.7 Computers in lab (n=261) 7.3 8.0 21.9 29.9 32.9 Leadership opportunities (n=264) 5.7 12.1 21.6 33.7 26.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents who felt that they had reached their limit in promotional opportu- nities or salary increases were asked to rate the acceptability of alternatives. As an al- ternative to promotion, over 70% of these re- spondents rated travel to professional meetings, summer pay for curriculum develop- ment, computers in the laboratory, and lead- ership opportunities as "good" or "very good" alternatives. Summer pay for curriculum de- velopment was rated as the most acceptable alternative of the four. Eighty percent rated it in one or the other of the top two categories. Of those who felt that they had reached the top of their potential for salary, a lesser proportion found the alternatives to be acceptable. Nonetheless, the alternatives were found to be "good" or "very good" by more than 60% of the respondents. Again, summer pay for curriculum development was most acceptable with 70% rating this alterna- tive to salary increases in one of the top two categories. CONCLUSIONS This survey presents information that indicates that technology teachers feel much more positively about themselves and their profession than is perceived through inter- action, media, and professional meetings. The results of this study provide some evi- dence that teachers are positive about their field, professional image, working condi- tions, and that they are generally satisfied with their jobs. The respondents also seem to be open to nontraditional alternatives to salary increases and promotion if they have reached their perceived limit in these two areas. Administrators should consider innova- tive alternatives for compensation, pro- motion, and recognition. They should also consider nontraditional practices to provide for the professional development and in- creased creativity of teachers. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings several recommen- dations are offered for consideration. First, administrators should assess the per- sonal and professional needs of local teach- ers. There is reason to believe that these needs may differ by discipline. Second, teachers and administrators should work cooperatively to provide resources to develop an ongoing program of professional develop- ment for teachers and and the programs they serve. Third, this study should be repli- cated using a sample that represents the total profession of technology teachers rather than only members of a professional association. It is quite likely that members of ITEA would differ significantly in their responses compared to the profession at large. Last, resources must be allocated to assure that adequate follow-up precedures can be implemented to assure representativeness. None of these recommendations are sufficient or complete in and of themselves, but in com- bination they may be enough to make a sub- stantial difference in more effectively actualizing the personal/professional needs of technology teachers, which in turn should improve and enhance academic programs. ---------------- 1 Jule Dee Scarborough is Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. The author is indebted to David Bjorkquist, Jay Smink, Ernest Savage, Ed Pytlik, Fred Illott, and Andrew Schultz who also worked on this project. REFERENCES Argyris, C. (1971). We must make work worthwhile. In G. Gariglio & D. Raye (Eds.). SOCIETY AS IT IS. New York: Macmillan Company. Cardinelli, C. F. (1980). Teacher burnout: An analysis. ACTION IN TEACHER EDUCATION, 4(2), 9-15. Herzberg, F., Mausner, G., & Snyderman, B. B. (1966). WORK AND THE NATURE OF MAN. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company. Herzberg, F., Mausner, G., & Snyderman, B. B. (1967). THE MOTIVATION TO WORK (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hinrichs, J. (1974). THE MOTIVATIONAL CRI- SIS: WINDING DOWN AND TURNING OFF. New York: AMACOM. Kreis, K., & Milstein, M. (1985). SATISFY- ING TEACHERS' NEEDS. The Clearing House, 59, 75-77. Liebes, S. (1983, April 3-9). An aging teacher corps: How should school systems respond? Paper presented at the 61st An- nual Meeting of The Council for Excep- tional Children, Chicago, IL. Maslow, A. H. (1954). MOTIVATION AND PER- SONALITY. New York: Harper & Brothers. Miller, J., Taylor, G., & Walker, K. (1982). TEACHERS IN TRANSITION: STUDY OF AN AGING TEACHING FORCE (INFORMAL SERIES 144). Toronto, ONT: OISE Press/The Ontario. Institute for Studies in Education. Porter, L. (1963). Job attitudes in manage- ment: IV, Perceived deficiencies in need fulfillment as a function of size of com- pany. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, 47, 141-148. Sergiovanni, T. J., & Carver, F. D. (1975). THE NEW SCHOOL EXECUTIVE. New York; Dodd, Mead & Company. Permission is given to copy any article or graphic provided credit is given and the copies are not intended for sale. Journal of Technology Education Volume 1, Number 2 Spring 1990