JTE v3n2 - From the Editor

Volume 3, Number 2
Spring 1992

From the editor
              About a year and a half ago, Tom Erekson approached me
          with the idea for a "special issue" of the JTE that might
          explore curriculum theory and application in technology ed-
          ucation. The idea sounded like a good one, and the JTE
          Editorial Board approved the proposal in Spring of 1991. The
          result is this special issue of the Journal of Technology
          Education with all articles relating to one theme:
          "Curriculum Change in Technology Education: Differing
          Theoretical Perspectives." I believe this issue of the JTE
          provides the most comprehensive discussion of technology
          education curriculum assembled to date in a single
              These articles should be of interest to every
          professional in the field. Others seeking a better
          understanding of technology education will also find this
          issue of the JTE worthwhile.
              I'd like to thank Tom Erekson for his early
          organizational efforts, each of the authors for meeting
          rigorous deadlines, and Dennis Herschbach for his assistance
          as publication deadlines drew near. In addition, I offer a
          special note of thanks to the reviewers who diligently
          reviewed all of the manuscripts as a group... a
          time-consuming, but necessary task.
              This issue of the JTE is "special" for another reason as
          well; it is available electronically. Anyone in the world
          who has access to either Bitnet or Internet will now be able
          to download the Journal of Technology Education. Free access
          to the JTE ensures the potential for a vast new audience of
          readers worldwide! This pioneering effort puts the JTE among
          a very select group of professional journals to be
          distributed electronically (Strangelove and Kovacs [1991]
          identified only 7 peer-reviewed electronic journals). Given
          our field's mission to educate broadly about our
          technological world, it seems most fitting for us to be
          among the first to "go electronic" with our distribution.
          Refer to the Miscellany section at the end of the JTE for
          details on electronic access.
          Strangelove, M. & Kovacs, D. (1991). Directory of
              electronic journals, newsletters and academic discussion
              lists. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries.

Journal of Technology Education   Volume 3, Number 2       Spring 1992