JVER v27n1 - Editor's Note
Editorial Note
J. W. Rojewski University of Georgia Loyal readers of the Journal of Vocational Education Research (JVER) are, no doubt, aware of the interruption we have experienced in publication of the journal. As Interim Editor, I am happy to report that the problems experienced in 2002, resulting in substantial publication delay, have been successfully resolved. In fact, you should receive the three back issues comprising Volume 27 in relatively quick succession over the next several months. The three issues slated for publication in 2003 (Volume 28) are already in various stages of preparation. We-the AVERA Executive Board and JVER Editorial Board-fully expect to be on schedule by the end of this calendar year.
Timely publication was not the only aspect of JVER that was negatively affected during this past year. A number of authors experienced problems with the review process, primarily not receiving timely feedback on manuscript reviews. With the publication of this issue, communication has been made with all affected authors and arrangements have been made to complete the review process in a timely fashion. We all realize that it will take some time to repair the negative impact delays in the review process and in publication have caused, but are confident that the corrective actions taken will fully resolve these concerns.
Despite this bad news, the future of the journal looks very bright. Dr. Joe Kotrlik, a professor at Louisiana State University, has stepped into the role of Editor. Although just starting, he has already demonstrated his competence, commitment to the journal, and ability to manage the various demands placed on a journal editor. Please consider submitting manuscripts of your recent research to the JVER and Dr. Kotrlik for possible publication. Information for mailing manuscripts can be found on the back inside cover of this issue.
In other important news, the JVER Editorial Board voted (in 2001) to reduce the number of issues published per volume series from four to three per year. This reduction will occur with the publication of Volume 27 (2002). The primary reason for this decision was the significant drop in the number of unsolicited manuscripts received for review by the journal over the past five years. Other professional journals-e.g., the Journal of Career and Technical Education, and the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education-have experienced similar drops in manuscript subscription. This problem is important enough that the AVERA Executive Board recommended initial discussions with these journals about the possibility of merger. There are both advantages and disadvantages to merging journals from different organizations. No action, other than discussion has been taken at this time. I encourage all readers to voice their opinions to a member of the AVERA Executive Board or the JVER Editorial Board. Hopefully, a report will be presented for discussion during the annual meeting of the ACTE scheduled for Orlando in 2003
Finally, this issue of the JVER presents six papers commissioned by the National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education and presented at the 2002 National Career and Technical Education Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona. I think readers will find the set of papers interesting and thought-provoking during this time of educational reform. During his tenure as JVER Editor, Dr. Jim Stone initially posed the idea for this special issue and initiated the efforts to gather and edit the manuscripts. N. L. McCaslin provides an introduction to the special issue.