JVME v21n1: Book Review

Volume 21, Number 1 Spring, 1994

Book Review

The Business of Veterinary Practice. J. P. Sheridan and O.E. McCafferty. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford O3 OBW, UK. 1993, 128 pp., $30.00.

J. P. Sheridan is a veterinary surgeon with many years experience in managing veterinary practices in the United Kingdom. Owen McCafferty is a CPA who, for almost two decades has devoted his professional efforts to tax, accounting, and practice management services for veterinarians in the United States. These two authors have combined their expertise to provide an outlook quite different from most other veterinary practice management books. The book covers all the non-clinical management aspects involved in planning, developing and running a successful veterinary practice. Of special interest are guidelines on establishing computer-based data retrieval systems to enable effective decision making.

The book is comprehensive yet concise and deserves consideration as a text for practice management in modern veterinary medical curricula.