WILLA v13 - From The Editors

Volume 13
Fall 2004


Again, we would like to begin with our thanks. Thank you to all the authors who share the articles you see here, and thank you to our editorial review board who always put in time at both summer session and throughout the fall helping to review articles and providing terrific feedback.

We believe this is a particularly strong issue, with much to offer all of our readers. "Stirring it Up with Poetry" offers a specific approach to teaching the intricacies of a poem, which can easily be extended for use with other poetry in the classroom, "I want to be like Mary-Kate and Ashley" considers the way preteen girls use popular texts to consider girlhood. In "To Teach the Truth" a teacher recounts one student's tragic experience and discusses ways to eradicate homophobia from our schools. Social concerns are also the key element of "Imagining Social Justice and Peace in a World Community," in which the author reminds us of Addams' work and how books honored by this award in Addams' name can help create further change. "Bringing Practice to Theory" steps outside the classroom to examine, in a case study, the impact of feminist thought on a Jewish women's only group. In an interview with the 2003 Rewey Belle Inglis Award Winner, Diana Mitchell, Diana shares her work, which led to this award and her continuing work. Finally, longtime WILLA Executive Board member Jo Gillikin shares a retrospective piece from her own experience growing up. These articles are book ended with some wonderful mother-daughter poetry, and followed by two interesting and informative columns from our representatives.

We hope you will enjoy this journal as much as we have enjoyed the process of bringing it to you. May you have warmth and comfort in this crisp season.

Best wishes,
Rose and Hannah