Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 04 September 15, 1994 - Outreach programs emphasized at College of Forestry and Wildlife

Outreach Programs Emphasized at College of Forestry and Wildlife

By Clara B. Cox

Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 4 - September 15, 1994

(Editor's note: In recent years, outreach has become a focal point of many universities--particularly land-grant universities--across the nation as citizens have increasingly looked to institutions of higher education to help resolve society's problems. One major way universities fulfill those expectations is by providing continuing-education programs, which often focus on the training or retraining of employees in a changing environment. At Virginia Tech, continuing education is receiving renewed emphasis across the campus as faculty members and administrators realize its importance not only in economic development, but also to lifelong learning. The article that follows is the first in a series that looks at the various roles of continuing education across the campus and its increasing value throughout the institution.