Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 15 December 8, 1994 - VT Statement on Freeze

VT Statement on Freeze

Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 15 - December 8, 1994

(Editor's note: The following statement regarding the hiring freeze and its effect on Virginia Tech was provided by Fred Carlisle and Minnis Ridenour on December 5.)

Since last week's announcement by Governor Allen of the state-wide hiring freeze and related initiatives, numerous questions have been raised about their interpretation and application.

We are working actively with the Secretary of Education's Office and the Department of Personnel and Training to seek additional information, clarification, and exceptions.

We appreciate your patience as we address these issues.

The hiring freeze applies to all salaried and wage positions, regardless of funding source.

On Friday, President Paul Torgersen sent a letter to Secretary of Education Beverly Sgro requesting both specific and general exceptions to the freeze.

Because it will be very difficult to implement "Restructuring Virginia Tech" under the freeze, President Torgersen has requested flexibility in managing our employment to enable us to sustain academic and support programs and to achieve our Phase II restructuring objectives.

Until we know more, all instructional faculty searches should proceed as planned. Since administrative and professional faculty, classified staff, and wage positions generally do not require the long lead time for filling, we leave it to the departments to determine whether or not to continue or suspend searches.

No positions, however, can be filled without approval.

We are meeting with the vice presidents and deans and the Budget and Planning Council within the next few days to outline our approach for addressing the concerns raised by many of you. Also, President Torgersen planned to address this matter at the faculty meeting yesterday.

Ann Spencer will be sending more specific information periodically on all aspects of the Executive Memorandum as they become available.