Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 15 December 8, 1994 - Grad student may join board

Grad student may join board

By Susan Trulove

Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 15 - December 8, 1994

The Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Visitors has approved the Graduate Student Assembly's (GSA) request for a graduate-student representative on the BOV, according to GSA President Maureen Bezold.

The BOV will act on the committee nomination at its February 16 meeting. In the meantime, the GSA will form a selection board to nominate three candidates. The selection board must represent each college. Bezold asked that graduate students, who would like to be on the selection board or who want to be considered as candidates, call her. She can be reached at the GSA Office at 1-7919, at her office in Pamplin at 1-4990, or at home at 552-6308.

GSA delegates elected Jim Johnston treasurer, replacing Michele Huebsch, who is graduating. Johnston, a Ph.D. student in education, has an MBA from Tech and has done accounting for law enforcement and the defense industry, and most recently at AT&T.

In other business:

* Brian Sayre, vice president, said a news group has been established on the computing system where graduate students can discuss issues. The group is at vt.students.grad , however, it cannot yet be reached via gopher.

* Graduate students are sought to sit on the University Council, the Commission on Student Affairs, Commission on Classified Staff Affairs, BT Advisory Committee, Graduate Research Development Program, Travel Fund, and Graduate Student Lecture Series. Call the GSA office, if interested.

* Robyn Hohauser reported she is on the Ad Hoc IFS Review Committee of the Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies, and has received calls from students concerned about the future of the instructional-fee scholarships. She explained that the policy will continue. The committee is simply reviewing "unique situations."

* John Aughenbaugh, administrative director, encouraged student groups to submit suggestions for speakers to be supported by the lecture series, and to register their organizations so that they can request funding from the regranting budget board. The board is chaired by Brian Roland, who can be reached at 1-7741.

* Aughenbaugh also reported that he will participate in a review of the GTA parking program and invited comments.

* Jeff May, representative to the Commission on Faculty Affairs, reported the commission has drafted a resolution regarding dismissal for cause which calls for early departure of those dismissed. "We want to make it clear that faculty members with tenure can be fired," May said. The CFA is also looking at the reduction-in-force policy.

* Terry Fairbanks reported the EO/AA Committee is developing a program for training faculty and staff members regarding the new aspects of the sexual-harassment policy.

* The Library Committee student representative reported no success with advanced notification of overdue books, but said an article in the next issue of APEX will explain how to check on-line when books are due, and renew them. The committee is now looking at requiring faculty to pay fines for overdue books.

The meeting was hosted by the Pamplin College of Business. Dean Richard Sorensen asked the GSA to consider ways to make off-campus and part-time students feel more membership in the university community