Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 33 June 1, 1995 - Computer courses now on gopher

Computer courses now on gopher

By Computing Center personnel

Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 33 - June 1, 1995

For those who want to learn about the data network at Virginia Tech, are interested in getting connected to the Internet (the Information Superhighway), or are confused about software, equipment, and access requirements, the Computing Center offers an Electronic Mail and Network Access seminar.

The one-hour seminar covers what is meant by "The Virginia Tech Network" in a non-technical overview; what type of connections are available, depending on where you live or work; what you need in the way of equipment, addresses/permissions, and software to begin taking advantage of the global information explosion; who to contact to get what you need; and where to get help.

The informal seminars are available to all students and faculty and staff members. The presentation, including a question-and-answer period, should last approximately one hour. Three seminars are initially scheduled at these times and locations.

1. Monday, June 5, from 4-5 p.m. in 202 McBryde. 2. Tuesday, June 13, from 6-7 p.m. in 202 McBryde. 3. Friday, July 7, from 1-2 p.m. in 212 McBryde.

Faculty members are urged to call these seminars to their students' attention.