ALAN v41n3 - Table of Contents

Volume 41, Number 3
Summer 2014

Complete Issue PDF [17.2 MB]

Table of Contents PDF [318 KB]

Cover PDF [1.4 MB]


Instructions for Authors
PDF [138 KB] HTML [10 KB]

From the Editors
Steven Bickmore, Jacqueline Bach and Melanie Hundley PDF [603 KB] HTML [13 KB]

Call for Manuscripts PDF [140 KB] HTML [5 KB]
Using The ALAN Review to Help Understand the Past, Present, and Future of YA Literature
Kristine E. Pytash and Richard E. Ferdig PDF [534 KB] HTML [75 KB]
Enough Apologetics: Time to Be Critical of YA Literature
Gretchen Schwarz PDF [226 KB] HTML [26 KB]
Troubling the Single Story: Teaching International Narrative through a Critical Literacy Lens
E. Suzanne Ehst and Jill M. Hermann-Wilmarth PDF [265 KB] HTML [40 KB]
Building Bridges with Cultural Identity Literature
Donna L. Miller PDF [303 KB] HTML [43 KB]
Critical Discussions: Using Satrapi’s Persepolis with High School Language Arts Students
Ashley K. Dallacqua and Dorothy J. Sutton PDF [556 KB] HTML [64 KB]
Graphic Novels, Adolescence, “Making Spaces,” and Teacher Prep in a Graduate YAL Course
James Bucky Carter PDF [354 KB] HTML [61 KB]

Clip and File PDF [244 KB] HTML [56 KB]
Facing Our Dragons: Wrestling with the Canon, Censorship, and Common Core through YA Literature
Ruth Caillouet and Amy Davis Sanford PDF [309 KB] HTML [49 KB]
An Author’s Influence: Investigating Student Response to a Novel and Motivation for Future Reading
Jennifer Miller PDF [295 KB] HTML [40 KB]
LGBTQ Young Adult Literature: How It Began, How It Grew, and Where It Is Now
Nancy Garden PDF [231 KB] HTML [25 KB]
Beyond Pity: Creating Complex, Likable Teen Protagonists with Disabilities
Lyn Miller-Lachmann PDF HTML [27 KB]
Five Things to Ponder:
M. Jerry Weiss PDF [215 KB] HTML [28 KB]
New Genres, Same Narratives?: A Close yet Critical Reading of Obama Biographies
Laura May, Melanie Hundley and Teri Holbrook PDF [222 KB] HTML [26 KB]
From Innocence to Relevance: Preservice Teachers’ Reflections on Attending the 2013 ALAN Workshop The Classroom Connection (with Nate Blunk, Shanna Kirgan, Rebecca Orr, Kaitlyn Pellegrino, Lexy Viscardi, and Matt Walters)
Matt Skillen PDF [189 KB] HTML [17 KB]

Stories from the Field
PDF [162 KB] HTML [7 KB]