About Digital Library and Archives EJournals

About Electronic Journals

From a 1988 request by a Virginia Tech faculty member to begin a new scholarly journal and another request to establish a university press, grew the Digital Library and Archives. It was envisioned that the university could use a rapidly maturing technology base to establish a place where new scholarly works could be published but without the capital outlay that would be required to begin a print-based publishing operation. Since the would-be faculty editors were not necessarily the ones well versed in the technology, an obvious need existed for support services. In addition, there was the need to begin to define or describe these future electronic scholarly works. The DLA would also be a place to experiment with the technology to produce online scholarship in new and developing formats.

Electronic Journals:

Current Titles
Discontinued Titles
Summary Statistics
Guidelines for Editors

Electronic Journals: Current Titles

When DLA is the originating electronic publisher, its journals are available without charge, but when we collaborate with commercial publishers (e.g., MIT Press) we are required to limit access to those outside our university community. All of the ejournals available from DLA have maintained their full component of paid subscribers along side unrestricted Internet access.

The Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research originated with the DLA in 1991 as its first ejournal and first electronic-only publication. Lacking a subscriber base or readership upon which to build, it has struggled to attract articles, but not readers. New publications coming in 1998 include Electronic Antiquities and the Journal of pesticide Safety Education.

ALAN Review

Dr. Patricia Kelly, professor of curriculum and instruction at Virginia Tech's College of Education, edits ALAN Review with Dr. Robert Small, Dean of the College of Education at Radford University. In July 1995 DLA began providing Internet access to the first of three yearly issues, winter 1994 (vol. 21, no. 2). To the ALAN Review homepage, DLA added and maintains links for the sponsor, the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (ALAN, a special-interest group of the National Council of Teachers of English) and the Children's Literature Web.

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

Journal American Rhododendron Society

The Journal American Rhododendron Society is published quarterly by the American Rhododendron Society. The American Rhododendron Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest in and to disseminate information about the genus Rhododendron. Subjects include: rhododendron and azalea culture, propagation, hybridization, private and public gardens, plant portraits, companion plants, flower shows, plant hunting and exploration, peer reviewed scientific studies and Society information. Current issues are a benefit of membership in the ARS.

Journal of Contemporary Neurology
Journal of Functional Logic and Programing
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

(Note: The Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics are discontinued.)

Throughout 1994 the DLA discussed a cooperative venture with MIT Press editor Janet Fisher, Associate Director for Journals Publishing. As a result, DLA initially mirrored CJTCS (May 1995 to date) and JFLP (February 1996 to date), and later added JCN (______1997 to date) and SNDE (_____ 1997 to date). MIT employs a variety of measures to restrict access, including the honor system (i.e., voluntary payment), file format such as DVI, and most recently passwords specifically for individual subscribers. Virginia Tech, however, has access in exchange for its mirror.

Journal of Industrial Technical Education

Dr. Scott Johnson at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sent DLA the first diskette in November 1994 and during its first full year of electronic publication (in addition to paper) the JITE averaged more than 52 accesses every day in 1995. Each quarter a new diskette arrives and DLA personnel enter the HTML tags, link citation numbers to the citations, and often link those to the ejournal articles cited. From the first networked issue, vol. 32, no. 1, citations included articles in the Journal of Technology Education.

Journal of Technology Education

Originally edited by Dr. Mark Sanders (Technology Education, Virginia Tech), the JTE is now under the direction of Dr. James. LaPorte (Technology Education, Virginia Tech). It is entirely online because Dr. Sanders has been electronically preparing the journal for publication with standard word processing since its first issue in 1989. The DLA easily made the entire run available online, although actual electronic publishing began in the spring of 1992, by converting all the early diskettes to Gopher and subsequently to HTML.

JTE has graphics in some issues and these are also a component of the electronic publication., but readers with text-only capabilities have access to the full text of each issue. Beginning with volume six (fall 1994), illustrations were integrated into the article as they are in traditional publications. Prior to then, illustrations are available as separate PostScript files.

Dr. Mark Sanders and the success of the e-JTE have had a major influence on the growth of the Digital Library and Archives. He has encouraged others in his field of technology education to make their publications and projects available on the Internet. In November 1994, DLA published the first issue of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education and one year later the first issue of the Journal of Vocational and Technical Education became available through the Project. Virginia Tech faculty participating in the Technology for All Americans project also sought assistance from the DLA. The only outstanding technology education publication not available through the DLA was the Journal of Technology Studies: Epsilon Pi Tau, but its editor contact the DLA on March 27, 1996, and the first issue was available less than a year later. As the editor wrote in the first networked issue, the DLA is the key Internet source for technology education in North America.

Journal of Technology Studies

The International Honorary for Professions in Technology, Epsilon Pi Tau, sponsors the JOTS so that it can provide an "open forum for the exchang of relevant ideas in the field of Technology Studies. The online version has all the text and graphics published in the paper version.

Journal of Vocational and Technical Education

JVTE (now called Journal of Career and Technical Education ) is edited by Virginia Tech professor of agricultural education. Encouraged by his colleague, Dr. Mark Sanders, editor of the JTE, the first electronic issue, vol. 12, no. (fall 1995) appeared on the World Wide Web in November 1995. An early online editorial describes free Internet access being good for the sponsoring organization, its membership, and those interested in vocational and technical education. The early flurry of accesses (649 times in its first two months) attests to that.

Techné: Society for Philosophy and Technology

Another electronic-only publication, Techné DLA published vol. 1, no. 1-2, in fall 1995. It is edited by Dr. Paul T. Durbin, from the Philosophy Department at the University of Delaware.

Women in Literature and Live Assembly

WILLA became available in paper the fall of 1992 and electronically in October 1996, with the Assembly being part of the National Council of Teachers of English. This publication filled a need to sustain focus on the crucial issues regarding the status and image of women and girls in every educational setting, both inside and outside the classroom."

New Publications since 1998

Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics

Journal of Design Communication

Journal of the Japanese Society for Technology Education

Journal of Pesticide Safety Education

Research, Impacts and Publicatons

Virginia Libraries

Electronic Journals: Discontinued Titles

Community Services Catalyst

One of the first print journals to be published both on paper and electronically, DLA provided initial Internet access to Catalyst