QBARS - v15n3 17th Annual Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society

17th Annual Meeting Of The American Rhododendron Society
Portland, Oregon, May 13, 1961
Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary-Treasurer

The 17th Annual Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society was called to order by President Dr. J. Harold Clarke in the Rose Bowl of the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon.

The first order of business was for the President to present a complimentary copy of our new book, "Rhododendrons For Your Garden," to each speaker from abroad, Dr. H. R. Fletcher, Eric P. Knight, H. J. Grootendorst, Dietrich Hobbie, Dr. J. S. Yeates and Sir Giles Loder.

Mr. John Henny, President of the Portland Chapter, briefly told of the beginning of the American Rhododendron Society, how in 1944 it started with a small group of interested people. He then thanked all who worked on the Portland Chapter show and read the names of those who had won awards; as their names will be given in the Chapter Report in the Bulletin, they are being deleted from these minutes.

Mr. John Bates, Chairman of the Conference Tour Committee told of the proposed Garden Tours scheduled for the following day.

Mr. H. R. Yates of Frostburg, Md., and a member of the Middle Atlantic Chapter presented Dr. Clarke a gavel made from the wood of R. maximum . Dr. Clarke accepted the gavel and thanked Mr. Yates.

President Clarke then introduced the guests seated at the head table; from left to right: Herman Grootendorst, C. T. Hansen, Mrs. Yeates, Rudolph Henny, Mrs. George Grace, Dr. H. R. Fletcher, Mrs. Ruth M. Hansen, Dr. Clarke, Dr. J. S. Yeates, Mrs. C. 1. Sersanous, Sir Giles Loder, Mrs. Rudolph Henny, George Grace and Mrs. A. W. Kraxberger. He then announced that a copy of the Proceedings of the Conference would be sent to all who had registered and would be for sale to others at a nominal cost.

Dr. Clarke announced the formation and acceptance of another new chapter, our seventeenth which is to be known as Shelton Chapter. To date, there are five chapters in the state of Washington. Mrs. S. W. VanderWegen, President of the new Shelton Chapter was then introduced.

The presentation of the Society Gold Medal was made, one to Delbert W. James of Eugene, Oregon for Outstanding Horticultural achievement and the other to George D. Grace of Portland for Meritorious Service. As the full text of these citations will be printed they are being deleted at this time.

Dr. Clarke thanked those through whose efforts this International Rhododendron Conference had been made so successful: Mrs. Louis Grothaus for her excellent publicity, Mrs. A. C. U. Berry for her gracious hospitality, Mr. James McDonald for his generous kindness, Mrs. August Petti for the beautiful table arrangement enjoyed at each luncheon and dinner of the Conference and to Mr. Petti who helped collect and carry in the boxes of rhododendrons required for each table. The Portland Garden Club was especially thanked for their generous and gracious hospitality and the Garden owners who have opened their gardens to our visitors. Don Patrick, Show Chairman, was thanked for the fine Chapter Show. G. W. Chariton for the excellent display of balled rhododendrons and interesting plant material in the Hotel lobby, and Ted and Ruth Hansen for their part in making this Conference a success.

A chapter roll was then taken. Of our seventeen chapters, sixteen were represented. Besides Dr. and Mrs. Yeates from New Zealand, there were four non-members from New Zealand registered for the Conference.

Mr. Cecil Smith then read the results of the recent balloting for the new officers and directors. The present officers will continue for another two year term; Dr. J. H. Clarke, President, Edward Dunn, Vice President and Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary-Treasurer. The Directors are as follows: Howard Slonecker, Dr. Carl Phetteplace, Maurice Sumner. Russell Coovert, Robert Bovee and Wales Wood. The two new directors being Russell Coovert and Maurice Sumner.

Dr. Clarke read briefly from the Treasurer's Report, as given in the Annual Audit. As this will be printed in the July Quarterly Bulletin it will be deleted from these minutes. Plans were then announced for the next annual meeting which will be held at Winterthur. Del., May 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1962. The dates being set by Mr. Henry DuPont as that is the time of the peak bloom in his estate. Mr. C. G Tyrrell extended cordial welcome to all to come to Winterthur. He then gave a brief description of the garden and the plans for the Annual Meeting next year. Mr. Sibert of Longwood Gardens stated that these gardens and the Morris Arboretum would also be visited during the Annual Meeting.

Mr. Clive Justice, President of the Vancouver, B.C. Chapter presented to the American Rhododendron Society a large framed, hand painted plant-sphere map showing the general location of Rhododendron species and the routes taken by various explorers. The map had been made by several members of the Vancouver Chapter and was beautifully and accurately made. It was accepted by Dr. Clarke in behalf of the ARS.

Dr. Clarke made a general announcement concerning the selection of our national directors as each year someone questions the point that all the directors are from the West. He pointed out that for a Society to function there must be meetings of its directors. There are at least four Director meetings a year and for the past two years it has been necessary that we hold many more in order to work out details for this Conference. If our Directors were from across the country it would be impossible for them to attend regularly as each Director must stand his own expenses to and from the meetings: therefore we try to have our Directors from an area of little travel and expense. All Chapter Presidents are Regional Directors and are sent copies of each National Directors meeting so that they will be informed on all our activities and the latest policies.

The speaker of the evening, Dr. J. S. Yeates, of Massey Agricultural College, Palmerston, New Zealand, was then introduced, his subject being, Rhododendrons and Azaleas in New Zealand. As this talk is a part of the International Rhododendron Conference it will be included in the printed Proceedings of the Conference and is therefore being deleted from these minutes.

Meeting adjourned.