QBARS - v19n2 Report of the Nominations Committee

Report of the Nominations Committee

As printed in the January Bulletin, the nominating committee for the Society, appointed by Pres. Dunn, consisted of Donald McClure, Seattle, Chairman, John Eichelser, Olympia, Wash., Louis Grothaus, Portland, Ore., Mervin B. Vater, Eugene, Ore., and James P. Beury, Margate, N. J.

The nominations are as follows:


Edward B. Dunn, Seattle, Wash., incumbent, long active in the Seattle Chapter.

Vice President

Carl Phetteplace, M.D., Eugene, Ore., incumbent, collector, breeder, traveler wherever fine rhododendrons are to be seen.


Dr. Robert Ticknor, Aurora, Ore., incumbent, doing research work with ornamentals at the North Willamette Experiment Station.


Charles H. Anderson , Seattle, Wash., incumbent, having been elected by the Board to fill an unexpired term. Mr.  Anderson, a manufacturing and control manager for the Boeing Co., is especially interested in species, and has been  active in several capacities in the Seattle Chapter.

Mrs. Robert Berry , Aberdeen, Wash., incumbent has been chairman and the main source of energy for the A.R.S. Seed Committee.

Merle E. Cisney , Camas, Wash., incumbent, a chemist, collector and breeder, has been active in the Portland Chapter as Treasurer, show chairman, and species project committeeman.

R. E. Comerford , Marion, Ore., incumbent, nurseryman specializing in rhododendrons and azaleas.

Russell Coovert , Tacoma, Wash., incumbent, having been elected by the Board to fill an unexpired term, is a heating and electrical contractor. He was Pres. of the Tacoma Chapter and long interested in rhododendrons.

Alfred Martin , Ambler, Pa., is a manufacturer of jet airplane engine parts. He has been interested in testing varieties for sun hardiness in the East. His contributions to the Test Garden in Portland have made possible the development of the Entrance Garden. He has been active in the Philadelphia Chapter since it was organized.