QBARS - v22n3 Gold Medal Award Citation for Carl Phetteplace, M .D.

Gold Medal Award Citation for Carl Phetteplace, M.D.
May 14, 1968

Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace's avid interest in rhododendrons and growing plants must surely hark back to his origin in an Oregon Pioneer family who lived by the soil. His selfless effort to promote better rhododendrons coupled with a dedication to the Society continues to leave an indelible record.

The Phetteplace garden developed over the past 35 years on Leaburg Lake on the McKenzie River has prospered in a native woodland setting. His garden is shared with local friends interested in rhododendrons and is open for the public to appreciate. The plants and the garden's gracious host have been enjoyed by visitors from across the nation and the world. His collection of plants grown from seed collected on the Rock Expedition is indeed excellent.

Dr. Phetteplace has served as president of the Eugene Chapter and in more recent years as vice president of the National Society. He is enjoyed for his quick wit, and his highly professional approach is coupled with an earthy sense of humor, which lends to a most interesting personality. He has contributed countless plants, propagation material, and seed to people across the nation. He has traveled widely both in this country and Europe to promote the cause of fine rhododendrons. He has lectured, acted as judge and dispatched slide lectures to numerous chapters of the Society. His generous contributions of articles to Society publications have been enjoyed by numerous rhododendron fanciers. To Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace, for all these reasons and others not mentioned, we confer the Gold Medal of the American Rhododendron Society in 1968; to this grand friend in reverent acknowledgment of his past endeavors and for his indefatigable service in the future, this award is presented as a measure of the respect and esteem he is held in by his friends in the Society.