QBARS - v25n1 Seed Exchange Notes

Seed Exchange Notes
Mrs. Robert Berry, Aberdeen, Wash.

The seed exchange will continue again this year with no major changes in it's operation. Contributions now arriving give promise that our list will again offer many interesting new things. Our list will go to the printer on February 1st. After completion, it is routinely sent to all members. No application is necessary.

Looking forward to spring; all those who have access to good forms of the species, especially the rarer sorts, are urged to hand-pollinate a few trusses for next year's seed exchange. Several, who have done some of this work for us, have expressed the view that cross pollination between two good forms of the same species is likely to be more productive that selfing. Last year our supply of hand pollinated species was much better than at any time previously but there were still many that were in short supply and we are still searching for a resource for some of the fine things that we have not yet been able to offer.

R. yakushimanum and it's hybrid crosses still top the list in number of requests but, fortunately, our supplies last year were equal to the demand. Except for the yakushimanum crosses and a few other exceptional items, interest in hybrid crosses appears to be waning somewhat. Interest in seed collected in the wild continues very high.