JARS v50n4 - In Memoriam: Jean Malmo

In Memoriam: Jean Malmo

Helen Jean Negus Malmo, 81, a founding member of the Seattle Rhododendron Society and the American Rhododendron Society, died March 9, 1996. She was among 14 founding members honored at the ARS Annual Convention in Portland in 1995.

Jean Malmo was born in Portland but lived most of her life in Seattle and Whidbey Island, where in retirement she continued to be involved in the daily affairs of the Malmo Wholesale Rhododendron Gardens. Her professional career as treasurer and vice president of the original Malmo Nursery began with her marriage to Clark Prescott Malmo. The first Seattle Rhododendron Society show was held in the Malmo Auditorium in 1950.

She was also well known for her community service/ her work for local colleges and universities and her fostering of peace through international exchange of students. Among her many awards for her service are: Distinguished Service Award from the United Nations Association of America, Dedicated Service Award from the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Outstanding Service Award from the Foundation of International Understanding by the students of the University of Washington and the Outstanding Colleague and Fellow Award from Seattle Pacific University.