JARS v55n1 - From the Secretary

From the Secretary
Jean Beaudry
Bethesda, Maryland

Summary of Board of Directors Meeting September 15, 2001, Duncan, BC
There was a quorum present (no representation from District 11 or 12) and the meeting was called to order by President Lynn Watts.

Dee Daneri said that thirty-four chapters are now participating in the insurance program at $150 per year. Her office will continue to keep the calendar and she will notify Sonja Nelson of any changes. Her report stated that the Stanley Smith grant has been asked to replenish the hang tags and care guides as well as funding a new ten-year index. She will keep us informed of the status.

Sonja Nelson, journal editor, announced that she would be receiving new equipment from a grantor. The new equipment will include two new G4 Macintosh computers and technical help with desk top publishing.

Mike Stewart, Western Vice President, said there has been much discussion about whether to hold the Western Regional Conference every year as has been done or only every other year when the annual meeting is on the East Coast.

Laura Kentala, Director District 2, said that the Seattle Chapter is celebrating their 50 year anniversary!

Michael Robert, Director District 4, announced a temporary website promoting the April 2001 meeting in Eugene, Oregon. It is: http://www.global-eyes.com/eugenears.

Ed Reiley, Eastern Vice President, said he wanted to start this winter to set up some subcommittees for (1)Test Gardens, (2)Plant Awards, and (3)Publicity. He visualizes them as six to eight gardens in various regions, which will be used as displays and to test plant material. As the plants are evaluated they would then move to an awards committee.

Al Fitzburgh, Director District 7, announced that the Southern Connecticut Chapter may be dissolving. He said he felt the Society should provide some guidelines outlining chapter organization as initial support for new chapters that lack existing infrastructure.

Bob Means, Director District 10, said many members of the William Bartram chapter were transferring to the Southeastern Chapter. He hopes the William Bartram Chapter will not dissolve.

Dee Daneri gave a summary of the Budget and Finance Committee report. The figures are preliminary. The 00-01 income is listed as $155,744.00 and the expenses as $161,533.00. This includes several items such as equipment for the journal editor that will not be necessary with the pending grants. The bottom line looks good. Under expenses there are new items: for capital equipment emergency fund and administrative assistant for data entry for Dee's office. The Board approved the preliminary budget as presented.

The second reading of the by-law change to Article VI, Section F. Executive Committee, was passed by the board (description in summary in Summer 2000 issue of Journal).

Ed Reiley announced that there were two new volunteer webmasters for the ARS website. They are Bob Weismann and Don Smart. Chuck Briggs has created new reports for arsoffice.org for Dee.

Bud Gehnrich, chairperson of the Long Range Planning Committee, discussed the lengthy report from committee person Frank Perlurie. Bud thinks the first actions should be a division into two parts: general convention costs and District Director costs. He is looking for several individuals from the West Coast for balanced recommendations.

Mike Stewart, chairperson of the Membership Committee, announced that the grants (for hang tags, cultural brochures, good doer lists) from last year have helped with exposure of the Society to the public. There have been forty-five to fifty new members as a result of these and the Internet. Dee reiterated that membership chairpersons and chapter treasurers are the key to keeping up membership.

Gordon Wylie, chairperson of the Nominations Committee, presented the following list of candidates for offices starting at the annual meeting in Eugene, Oregon, in April 2001:
President: H. Edward Reiley, Woodsboro, MD
Eastern Vice President: Leonard O. Miller, Grove, OK
Western Vice President: Mike Stewart, Sandy, OR
Treasurer: Tim Walsh, Eureka, CA
Secretary: Frances Burns, Vida, OR.
Ballots were distributed and the slate of new officers was adopted.

Betty Spady, chairperson of the R&A News, announced that the website had exceeded all of last years "hits" to date.

Three projects were funded by the Research Committee at the May 2000 meeting in Burlington, MA

The Seed Exchange has donated $2,000 to Meerkerk Gardens.

A motion was passed by the Board of Directors that the "ARS encourages the membership of the Society to support the appeal of the National Trust for Scotland for funding to save Crarae Garden for the future education and enjoyment of all lovers of plants and gardens".

The Swisher Inheritance. The ARS will receive approximately $345,000 from the Swisher Estate. There was much discussion on the topic and it was decided that the District Directors would discuss it with their chapters and present that information at the April 25, 2001, Board of Directors meeting in Eugene.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. The Board will reconvene at 9 a.m. on April 25, 2001, in Eugene, Oregon.