JFLP: Custom Formatting

The Journal of Functional and Logic Programming

Custom Formatting of Articles


Instead of reading the preformatted version of an article, you may present the article in whatever layout is most convenient for your own research or study. The LaTeX source format for the journal has been designed to make it as convenient as possible for you to customize the layout without accidentally changing the contents of the article. Essentially, you may apply any LaTeX style definitions, acquired from others or of your own invention, to produce a convenient display. This is possible without any editing of the definitive text of the article, as represented in the *.tex , *.bib , and *.eps files described above. Since TeX is a powerful and general programming language, something called a "style definition" might in principle change the text arbitrarily, substituting entirely different material. It is your responsibility as a reader not to distort the author's meaning by processing an article in a misleading way through a "style definition." In practice, this is no more subtle than your responsibility not to misattribute ideas in print.

In order to format Journal of Functional and Logic Programming articles on your own, you need

  1. an installation of LaTeX ,
  2. the LaTeX style file cjstruct.sty , or for LaTeX2e , cjstruct.cls ,
  3. for many articles, one or more of the AMS style definitions for mathematical formulae,
  4. for some articles the stmaryrd font package, and
  5. for some articles Paul Taylor 's diagrams package.
In general, the CTAN - Comprehensive TeX Archive Network is the best place to look for the newest (La)TeX material. All LaTeX source for published journal articles uses the cjstruct style. The definition of this "style" does very little in the way of stylistic layout; rather, it translates from an unambiguous markup of the logical structure of the text into the macro calls expected by the article style. The cjstruct style definition reads in reader-defined options and other style definitions to determine most of the layout style. Any layout style set in cjstruct may be superseded by reader definitions.


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This page is maintained by Manuel M. T. Chakravarty for the Executive Board of JFLP. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.