JITE v42n4 - From the Editor - Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Many years ago as an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison I held a part-time job on campus interviewing extension specialists in the College of Agriculture, and turning the interviews into news articles and radio spots. I was taught to ask who, what, when, where, how, and sometimes why in order to write a high-quality, comprehensive piece. I was intrigued by the process of beginning with the initial research and ending in publication, and I enthusiastically embraced working behind the scenes.
Since becoming editor of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (JITE), I am often asked questions about the Journal. These questions have helped me realize that what goes on behind the scenes is something of a mystery. Questions arrive on my voice mail and e-mail from all over the world from potential authors. The questions have made me aware that is it important to reveal to others what goes on behind the scenes. Actually, there are no hidden tricks in the production of JITE, just a lot of fine work by human beings who help create the magic of the final copy you are now reading.
Let’s address those important journalistic questions mentioned above. First, people are curious about who writes for JITE. Most authors are teaching either in a university or college or in a technical college. About 70 percent of the manuscripts are submitted by educators in universities or colleges and about 8 percent come from technical college teachers. Graduate students submit 10 percent of the manuscripts and 12 percent come from writers who are in consulting, in other positions related to our field, or writers who are retired. I am sometimes asked whether a writer has to be a member of NAITTE to have a manuscript accepted. While this is a requirement of some research journals, this is not a requirement of JITE. However, I encourage all authors to join NAITTE. An application can be found in the Bits and Pieces section of this issue.
What happens once a manuscript is submitted? Manuscripts are reviewed by three or more people who read them without knowing who the author is. Reviewers’ comments are sent anonymously to authors of all manuscripts. That way, even authors whose work is not accepted for the Journal receive valuable feedback. The reviewers’ comments help the accepted authors revise their writing for publication. Author revision is always part of the process. As editor, I seriously consider the reviewers’ advice in selecting manuscripts for the issue.
What types of manuscripts are accepted? We want to publish the best articles on topics of interest to technology educators, trade and industrial educators, and industrial and military trainers and consultants. All published work focuses on the broad topic of industrial teacher education. Referred articles are in one of three categories: research-based manuscripts, conceptual pieces, or dissertation-based manuscripts. Additionally, we publish “At Issue” essays, “Comments,” and reviews of books/media and computer software.
The when and where are easy questions for me to answer. JITE is published four times a year. Where the work takes place is an interesting point. The editorial office currently resides at Georgia State University, however the editorial board, reviewers and authors are scattered across the United States and abroad.
Why do we publish JITE? The reasons are many and complex. I believe the Journal helps us maintain and grow our profession. It goes without saying that the Journal also advances knowledge and scholarship in our field. Of equal importance, the Journal provides a platform where we can discuss the complex issues facing our profession. I hope that as you read this issue you will ponder the why question, and I invite you to send your thoughts and comments to me.
And now for one final word. Whatever success the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education attained as we close out Volume 42 would not have been possible without the assistance of others. In addition to Editorial Board members, reviewers, and the NAITTE executive committee, it was the membership that submitted materials containing ideas that both increased and elevated the knowledge of those engaged in our field. It is to all these devoted NAITTE members that the major share of any credit is due.
Reviewers for Volume 42
The following individuals served as reviewers for Volume 42. The Editorial Board thanks these reviewers for their conscientious service to the Journal.
David Bjorkquist
Paul A. Bott
Paul E. Brauchle
Dan C. Brown
Don Buskirk
Patricia A. Carter
Robert A. Chin
Phillip L. Cardon
Rodney Custer
W. Tad Foster
Gary D. Geroy
James P. Greenan
Larry Hatch
Marie Hoepfl
Robert T. Howell
Howard D. Lee
Theodore Lewis
Chris Merrill
Craig Miller
Susan J. Olson
Cheryl Poston
David Pucel
George E. Rogers
Karen M. Schaefer
Mathias J. Sutton
Dale E. Thompson
Kenneth D. Welty
Karen ZugaUniversity of Minnesota
California State University-Long Beach
Illinois State University
Illinois State University
Purdue University
Georgia State University
East Carolina University
Eastern Michigan University
Illinois State University
Indiana State University
Colorado State University
Purdue University
Bowling Green State University
Appalachian State University
Fort Hays State University
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Minnesota
Illinois State University
Purdue University
University of Akron
Clemson University
University of Minnesota
Purdue University
Georgia State University (Ret.)
Purdue University
University of Arkansas
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Ohio State University
In this Issue
Three feature articles are presented in this issue. First, James C. Flowers, Ball State University, investigates a completely online master’s degree program in technology education and the impact of this delivery model on student enrollment. Flowers discusses lessons learned with the program and process and suggests that along with other issues, program developers consider the impact of program design on the development of student research skills.
In the second featured article, Raymond Dixon, University of Technology, Jamaica, and Ronald L. Meier, Danny C. Brown, and Rodney L. Custer, Illinois State University, focus on instructors in training academies and examine which entrepreneurial competencies are most important for these instructors to function successfully in institution-based enterprises.
Next, Kara S. Harris, Purdue University, explores teacher perceptions of modular technology education laboratories. Harris notes that the teachers in this study appear to have a more positive perception of modular technology education laboratories than they do of contemporary laboratories. Perceived advantages of modular laboratories are discussed from both teachers’ and students’ points of view.
In the “At Issue” section C. J. Shields and George E. Rogers, Purdue University, contend that teachers must be aware of emerging experimental technologies which often raise controversial issues affecting society and bring into question deep-rooted beliefs. The authors assert that these issues should be discussed in classrooms by integrating them into the technology lesson. Examples are provided for teaching “across the curriculum.”
Jessie M. Hayden, Georgia State University, provides a review of Lakes and Carter’s edited book which examines gender issues related to vocational education and training in today’s global economy.
This issue includes a “Comments” section which acknowledges the Outstanding Manuscript Awards for Volume 42. Following the comments is the Journal’s “Bits and Pieces” section containing information for submitting articles to the Journal and how to become a member of NAITTE.