JITE v42n4 - Index to Volume 42 of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Index to Volume 42 of the
Journal of Industrial Teacher EducationFrom the Editor
Burns, J.Z. (2005) . Behind the Scenes. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 3-6.
Burns, J.Z. (2005) . From imitation to precision. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 3-6.
Burns, J.Z. (2005) . Is teaching an art or a science? Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 3-5.
Burns, J.Z. (2005) . The joy of summer. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 3-4.
Refereed Articles
Brewer, E. W. & Burgess, D. N. (2005) . Professor's role in motivating students to attend class. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 23-47.
Burns, J. Z., Schaefer, K., & Hayden, J. M. (2005) . New trade and industrial teachers' perceptions of formal learning versus informal learning and teacher proficiency. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 66-87.
Daugherty, M. K. (2005) . A changing role for technology teacher education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 41-58.
Dixon, R., Meier, R. L., Brown, D. C., & Custer, R. L. (2005) . The critical entrepreneurial competencies required by instructors from institution-based enterprises: A Jamaican study. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 25-51.
Flowers, J. C. (2005) . The effect of online delivery on graduate enrollment. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 7-24.
Geroy, G. D., Caleb, D., & Wright, P. C. (2005) . Understanding and articulating effective succession planning: A means for infusing influence by NAITTE. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 41-58.
Harris, K. S. (2005) . Teacher perceptions of modular technology education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 52-71.
Hill, R. B., & Fouts, S. (2005) . Work ethic and employment status: A study of jobseekers. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 48-65.
Lakes, R. D. (2005) . Critical work education and social exclusion: Unemployed youths at the margins in the new economy. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 21-37.
Mattoon, J. S. (2005) . Designing and developing technical curriculum: Finding the right subject matter expert. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 61-76.
Petty, G. C. & Hill, R. B. (2005) . Work ethic characteristics: Perceived work ethics of supervisors and workers. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 5-20.
Pucel, D. J. & Stertz, T. F. (2005) . Effectiveness of and student satisfaction with web-based compared to traditional in-service teacher education courses. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 7-23..
Rogers, G. E. (2005) . Pre-engineering's place in technology education and its effect on technological literacy as perceived by technology education teachers. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 6-22.
Scribner, S. A., & Anderson, M. A. (2005) . Novice drafters' spatial visualization development: Influence of instructional methods and individual learning styles. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 38-60.
Book Reviews
Hayden, J. M. (2005) . Globalizing Education for Work: Comparative Perspectives on Gender and the New Economy. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 81-93.
Kraft, T. E. (2005) . The Wright Way: Seven Problem-Solving Principles from the Wright Brothers That Can Make Your Business Soar. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 67-71.
Smith, A. J. M. (2005) . The Way of the Teacher. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 96-99.
At Issue
Grier, A. S. (2005) . Integrating needs assessment into career and technical curriculum development. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (1), 59-66.
Prater. M. G., Backes, C., & McElvey, R. (2005) . A tale of three teachers. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (2), 77-83.
Rogers, S., & Rogers, G. E. (2005) . Technology education benefits from the inclusion of pre-engineering education. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (3), 88-95.
Shields, C. J. & Rogers, G. E. (2005) . Incorporating experimental technologies in the middle level technology education classroom. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 42 (4), 72-80.
Burns, J. Z. (2005). Twenty-sixth annual outstanding manuscript award recipients. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education,42 (1), 72-73.
Walter, R. A. (2005) . Twenty-seventh annual outstanding manuscript award recipients. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education,42 (4), 94-95.