JVER v28n2 - Table of Contents

Volume 28, Number 2

Entire Issue PDF [820 KB]

Table of Contents

Editor's Note
Joe W. Kotrlik

School-Based Enterprises and Environmental Sustainability
Alberto Arenas

Job Stress and Burnout among Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators
Ernest W. Brewer and Jama McMahan

Design and Evaluation of a Tool to Assess Strategical Information Processing Styles
Beverly A. Farrell and Joe W. Kotrlik

Distance Education and Career and Technical Education: A Review of the Research Literature
Chris Zirkle

Author Instructions

Editor Information

The Journal of Vocational Education Research (JVER) is published three times a year and is an official publication of the American Vocational Education Research Association ( AVERA ). AVERA was organized in 1966 and strives to: (a) stimulate research and development activities related to vocational education, (b) stimulate the development of training programs designed to prepare persons for responsibilities in vocational education research, (c) foster a cooperative effort in research and development activities with the total program of vocational education, career and technical education, and other areas of education and other disciplines, and (d) facilitate the dissemination of research findings and diffusion of knowledge.