WILLA v6 - Directory

Volume 6
Fall 1997


Jo Gillikin, The College of Staten Island, CUNY

Associate Editor

Nancy Mellin McCracken, Kent State University

Poetry Editor

Donna Decker, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

Advisory Committee

Jane L. Christenson, Past Deputy Director, NCTE

Ruth K. J Cline, University of Colorado, Past President, NCTE

Janet Emig, Rutgers University, Past President, NCTE

Leonore Hoffman Walters, Borough of Manhatten Community College

Nancy McHugh, Past President, NCTE

Section Editors

Elementary - Vicki Zack

Secondary - Ruth McClain

College - Patricia P. Kelly

Retired - Pat Bloodgood

Peer Review Committee

Lynne AIvine, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Diana Mitchell, Adolescent Literature Assembly of NCTE

Judith Hayn, Auburn University

Patricia Kelly, Virginia Tech

Nancy Prosenjak, Metropolitan State College of Denver

Lisa Spiegel, University of South Dakota

Lee Williams, Slippery Rock University

Sue Johnson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Nancy Huse, Augustana College, Illinois

Officers (Fall 1996-Fall 1997)

Chair - Lee Williams, Slippery Rock University

Associate Chair - Lisa Spiegel, University of South Dakota

Secretary - Judith Hayn, Auburn University

Treasurer/Membership - Sue Johnson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Program Chair - Nancy Prosenjak, Metropolitan State College of Denver

Newsletter Editors - Judith Hayn, Auburn University

Natalie Sekicky, Shaker Heights High School, Ohio

Published by the Women in Literature and Life Assembly, National Council of Teachers of English, once a year in November. Members of NCTE Affiliate Information Exchange Agreement. Printed by Brown Business Graphics, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Cover by Robert W. Meredith, Monroe, Louisiana. Layout by Madelyn Thomas, Kent, Ohio.

Subscription rates, which include membership to WILLA, are $15 in the U.S. and $20 (U.S. funds) in other countries. Subscriptions and renewals should be sent to Sue Johnson, English Dept., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705.

The staff, the Assembly, and NCTE, do not necessarily endorse the views presented in the journal.

Copyright © 1997 by WILLA. ISSN # 1065-9080