Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 07 October 6, 1994 - Newsmakers
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 07 - October 6, 1994
Virginia Tech faculty and staff members and students are often the subject of significant national and state-wide news coverage. To better inform the university community about these accomplishments, the Office of University Relations has compiled this monthly report. The report excludes coverage in the Roanoke news-media market. For more information about the articles mentioned, call Nancy Templeman, university public relations specialist, at 1-5915, or contact your college public-relations officer.
The Gazette
(Galax) (Mar. 7): Pamplin dean Richard E. Sorensen was cited in a story on tourism.
The Tennessean
(Nashville) (Mar. 29), The Register Guard (Eugene, Ore.) , and Sunday Patriot-News (Harrisburg, Pa.): Management professor Bob Madigan was cited in a story on job titles.
Richmond Times-Dispatch
(Apr. 24): The M.B.A. program in Northern Virginia was cited in a story on M.B.A. programs.
Harvard Business Review
(May/June): Management professor Steve Markham was featured in an article on gainsharing programs.
Chicago Tribune
(June 8): Finance professor Janine Hiller was featured in a jobs column on the link between affirmative-action programs and company stock prices.
Richmond Times-Dispatch
(June 20): Finance professor Don Chance was cited in a story on derivatives.
The Washington Post
, The Washington Times , Richmond Times-Dispatch , and The Virginian-Pilot (June 30): Wildlife professor Jim Fraser was quoted in in a story on the efforts to take the American bald eagle off the endangered-species list.
Kiplinger's Retirement Report
(July): An article, "Retire to Your Alma Mater?" mentioned the memorandum of agreement among Virginia Tech , Radford University, New River Community College, and Warm Hearth Village to establish a gerontology research center.
Virginia Business
(August): Finance professor John Pinkerton was cited in a story on a software program he developed for a Roanoke investment firm.
(Florida) Herald-Tribune (Aug. 7): The Sunday edition carried several stories on the affordability of housing in the Sarasota-Bradenton area. Associate professor Kathleen Parrott of housing, interior design, and resource management was quoted in the front-page lead story and featured in a second story.
KCBS Radio (San Francisco), KOA Radio (Denver), WTAE Radio (Pittsburgh) (Aug. 24):
Professor Joe Scarpaci of urban affairs and planning about why Cubans are risking their lives to get to the United States.
Christian Science Monitor
(Aug. 25): Management professor Dow Scott was cited in a story on employee suggestions.
WCVE (Richmond), WETS (Johnson City, Tenn.), WHRO (Norfolk), WMRA (Harrisonburg), and WVTF (Charlottesville, Marion) (week of Week of Aug. 28:)
These public radio stations carried the hour-long program With Good Reason , which featured biology professor George Simmons who discussed his research into primitive organisms in Antarctica, and how they might provide clues to the existence of life on other planets.
San Jose
(Calif.) Mercury News , Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Fairfax Journal, Journal Messenger (Manassas), Northern Virginia Daily (Strasburg), The Progress-Index (Petersburg), The Winchester Star , Potomac News (Woodbridge), The News & Daily Advance (Lynchburg), the Daily Press (Newport News) (various dates): These papers carried a story on finance professor Janine Hiller's work.
Richmond Times-Dispatch
(Aug. 30): Business alumnus Robert B. Pamplin Jr. was featured in a story on his family's business success and ties to Virginia.
WHSV-TV (Harrisonburg) (Aug. 30):
The "Noon Show" featured home economics Extension agent Karen Poff of the Shenandoah County office discussing homework issues for a special back-to-school series. Home economics Extension agent Sarah Ann Whitmore of Rockingham County was also featured on the show with a demonstration of nurtritious lunch ideas.
WRVA Radio (Richmond) (Aug. 31):
The station's morning program featured professor Joe Scarpaci of urban affairs and planning who discussed why Cubans are risking their lives to get to the United States.
CNN (Sept. 1):
News reports featured an item on chemistry professor James Rancourt and his development of non-mercury based switches, which are safer for the environment than traditional mercury ones. The feature also ran as part of CNN's Science and Technology Week program on Sept. 3 and 4.
(Atlanta) Constitution (Sept. 1):
An article on the Cuban crisis featured an interview with professor Joe Scarpaci of urban affairs and planning. The story was also picked up by the Cox News Service which serves 300 additional newspapers.
KDKA Radio (Pittsburgh) (Sept. 3):
The station carried an interview with professor Joe Scarpaci of urban affairs and planning who discussed the Cuban crisis.
WWBT-TV (NBC Richmond) and WTVR-TV (CBS Richmond) (Sept. 8):
Communications studies department head Bob Denton was featured commenting on the style and substance of each of the four Virginia senatorial candidates during their debate.
CNN (Sept. 8):
A news story featured John G. Casali , professor of industrial and systems engineering, and his Auditory Systems Laboratory. The network also carried the story on September 10 and 11 on its "Science and Technology Week."
U.S. News & World Report
(Sept. 12): Glen Earthman , professor of education, was quoted in a sidebar story about funding school buildings in rural areas.
WPZI-TV (Philadelphia) (Sept. 14):
The station featured a short story on Virginia Tech's transgenic tobacco research.
Virginia News Network (Sept. 15):
The radio network that serves 52 radio stations featured communication studies department head Robert Denton commenting on Doug Wilder's decision to withdraw from the U.S. Senate race.Richmond Times-Dispatch
(Sept.16): Communication studies department head Denton , was quoted in a story on the on the withdrawl of Douglas Wilder from the U.S. Senate race.
WWJ AM Radio (Detroit) (Sept. 20):
The station ran a feature story on plant pathology, physiology, and weed science professor Carole Cramer's transgenic tobacco research, including excerpts from an interview with Cramer.
WCVE-FM (Richmond), WETS-FM (Johnson City), WHRV-FM (Norfolk), WMRA-FM (Harrisonburg, WNSB-FM (Norfolk), WVRU-FM (Radford), WVST-FM (Petersburg), and WVTF-FM (Roanoke) (Week of Sept. 5):
Virginia Sea Grant and food science and technology professor George Flick were featured on "With Good Reason," a half-hour radio program. Flick discussed seafood safety.
CNN (Sept. 21 and 22):
Plant pathology, physiology and weed science professor Carole Cramer was featured in a network report on alternative uses for tobacco. Cramer is investigating the use of tobacco for developing pharmaceuticals.
Virginia News Network (Sept. 21): Jim Johnson
of forestry discussed fall leaf color on a program distributed by this service that provides news to 57 radio stations across Virginia.