Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 19 February 9, 1995 - CIMSS to organize 1995 Tour de TECH
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
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printed 4 times a year
CIMSS to organize 1995 Tour de TECH
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 19 - February 9, 1995
For the third consecutive year, the Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (CIMSS) at Virginia Tech will organize Tour de TECH, an educational exposition for area school children coupled with other community activities.
CIMSS will once again work with the university community and Montgomery County school officials to create and organize an event similar to Tour de TECH 1994, to ensure an enjoyable and enlightening outing for students, teachers, and area residents.
As in 1994, Tour de TECH 1995 will coincide with the Stage 4 finish of Tour DuPont on the Tech campus on Sunday, April 30.
Activities being organized for April 27-29
as part of Tour de TECH 1995 include the science and engineering exposition, a community dinner, a featured speaker, a series of kids' "Do It!" runs, and a bicycle rally. A number of in-school events are also being planned.
Input is being sought from interested teachers, principals, and faculty members to create activities and demonstrations that will be appropriate and meaningful to area school children. The theme for this year's event will be DISCOVER IT: Science and Engineering. The
primary event being organized is an educational exposition to promote an understanding and awareness of the diversity of science and engineering by using fitness, competition, and
sports technology as a theme.
Another large and diverse EXPO is anticipated for 1995. Booths and demonstrations will be arranged to highlight the excitement and novelty found in the many diverse areas of science and engineering at Virginia Tech.
Scientists and engineers from many different disciplines will show case the technologies useful in bike racing that have applications in everyday life, and in such things as bullet-proof vests, space structures, canoes, submarines, etc.
Specialists in the fields of health, fitness, clothing and textiles, human nutrition, and physiology are being invited to demonstrate some of the factors important in training bikers for competition.
All members of the university community are invited to participate in the exposition to
showcase the science and technology activities of Virginia Tech.
Invitations to attend the activities will be extended to all schools and classrooms (K-12) in Montgomery and neighboring counties.
Anyone interested in sharing ideas, preparing a demonstration, or providing input to event organizers should contact Craig Rogers or Beth Howell at CIMMS, 1-2900, before February 24.